Chapter 1~Beca

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   Here's the first chapter hope you enjoy!!!


Chapter 1~Beca  

   It was a bright, sunny, warm Monday morning and I woke up feeling nice and refreshed. Before getting out of my warm and comfy bed, I rolled over onto my stomach and stared out the window behind my headboard at the beautiful scenery of my environment. It was the first day that actually felt like spring even though spring break was last week. I was staring out the window, mesmorized by the outside world, feelings of anxiety rushing through my body. Out of no where my mom walked into my room, the sound of her voice startling me.

"Good, your up. Come on down stairs, breakfast is ready." she said.

   My mother, Sarah Lawson, is the mother of two teenagers; me, Beca Lawson a senior in high school, and my older brother Ben Lawson, a sophomore in college. My mother is a sweet loving person who very rarely gets into any fights, not even with Ben who is a stuck up jerk tard 99.9% of the time. She also a protective mother, not overly protective but protective.

I got up from my bed when she left my room and I got dressed for the first day back to school since spring break. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a cami, and dressy jacket. I half heartily walked down the marble staircase of my home and joined my family in the kitchen. I sat in the seat beside my father, Matthew (Matt) Lawson, who was reading a newspaper article on a bank robbery and sipping down a steaming cup of coffee. He was completely oblivious of Ben sitting on the other end of the table practically slurping down his plate of eggs and bacon being as noisy and messy as usual. My mother shoved a fresh plate of steaming eggs and bacon toward me as I took my seat.

"Here you go, orange juice is coming in a second."

She said then started walking to the refrigerator. As she walked by Ben she slapped the back of his head,

"Use your manners young man."

Ben rolled his eyes but obeyed. My mom came back and handed me a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks." I said as I lifted the glass to my mouth and took a sip.

"Why do you wear jeans and a jacket on a warm spring day like this?" Ben asked not really caring.

"Because i'm a girl and these clothes are comfortable, this jacket is thin and there is nothing to do in school to make a person hot." I answered already knowing his response.

He nodded, looked back at his plate and under his breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear, said,"You are so stupid." and my reaction to his response was a swift kick to his chin under the table.

"Now stop both of you. You're acting like children. Ben, your sister isn't stupid that's the fashion these days." my father chimed in, avoiding a big fight.

"Ben, you need give Beca a ride to school today." my said obviously trying to start up a new fight.

Simultaneously Ben and I yelled, "WHAT?!?!?"

"But that's not fair!!" Ben yelled.

"Yeah mom, I thought you were taking me today." I said keeping my cool.

"Well, I have to go to the restaurant early today.' my mom explained.

"But she'll get her weirdness all over my car!" Ben continued.

"I'm weird? Are you kidding me?! You're the one always in trouble and getting picked on. I have to save your a..butt!" I raised my voice almost cursing before I realized my parents are in the room.

"Yeah, well you're forgetting the most important fact. You're dating the jerk that picks on me!"

"Asher's a nice guy, you just have to get to know him. And maybe if you would stop being such a wimp and grow a pair then you wouldn't be getting your butt kicked by a high-schooler!" I yelled, steaming with so much anger that i'm surprised i didnt explode.

   Ben started chuckling, "If you still think he's being nice to you because he likes you then you really are pathetic sis."

I jumped up from the table almost sending the chair flying backwards. I grabbed my backpack and headed for the front door.

"Good-bye!" I said angrily.

"What about your ride?" my mom asked.

"I'd rather walk." I said knowing to well that my brother was doing a little celebratory fist punch. I stormed out the door and strolled down the path to my school.


Again first chapter hope you enjoyed!! Please continue reading and remember to vote/comment/share!!!!

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