Chapter 22~ Jesse

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Chapter 22~ Jesse

After Asher got his butt kicked by a girl he didn't say a word to me or Beca all day. He just gave us dirty little looks when he thought we weren't paying attention. But we didnt care, every time he'd give us a look we'd just do something to make him jealous such as; hold hands, hug, gaze into each other eyes, and my personal favorite, kiss.

At the end of the day Beca and I were walking hand in hand to her car.

"So my mom wants to know if you wanna come over for dinner tomorrow." Beca said as she leaned against the driver side of her car.

"Isn't that a bit of an old tradition?"

"That's what I said but she wants to meet you."

It was quiet for a moment.

"It's ok if you don't want to. It was a stupid idea, you don't have to come." Beca said then opened her door and leaned inside to start the car.

When she stood up I wrapped my arms around her from behind. She laid her hands on mine and lightly leaned into me as I kissed her cheek.

"It would be an honor to meet your family." I whispered into her ear. She turned around to face me.

"Really? You're coming?" She asked.

I pressed my forehead against hers, "Definitely." I said then kissed her. I heard her door open then felt her pull away.

"See ya tomorrow." She said quietly then kissed me once more before getting into her car. Before pulling away she rolled down her window. "Want me to pick you up before school?" She asked.

Crap. She can't see my personal life yet, what if she decides to leave me because if it? I got to think.

"Actually I have to go to the store tomorrow morning for some pencils. You can pick up there if you'd like." Nice save Jess.

"Cool." She said and I leaned inside of the window and kissed her.

"See you tomorrow beautiful."

"Can't wait." She said as I backed away from her car and she quietly sped off.


"What am I going to do?" I asked Justin. We are hanging at my house playing Call of Duty.

"She's picking you up at store, what else is there to do?"

"You've never had a girlfriend before have you?" I asked.

"No, why?"

"If I meet her family it's only a matter of time before she asks to meet mine. I love my parents but people like Beca don't particularly stick around after meeting them." I explained as I flopped down on my bed.

"Dude, if she loves you like she says then it won't matter. If it makes you feel any better I'll pick you up afterwards." Justin said.

"Thanks man."

"You're welcome but if it's any conciliation Beca isn't like the rest. She actually has a heart and I think by time all of this over you'll still have your relationship and it will be stronger than before. Now come on I wanna play Ghosts."

I'm lucky to have a truly great friend like Justin.


For those of you who don't know Ghosts is a Call of Duty game.

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