Chapter 21~ Beca

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Chapter 21~ Beca

When I approached my P.E. locker my locker buddy, Sierra, was at hers.

"So, how's Mr. Wonderful?" She asked and I gave her a look.

"He's fine."

"What's that look for? Isn't that what you said he is?"

"Yes but you don't have to say it like that, it makes it weird." I said as I slid my school shirt off and replaced it with my P.E. t-shirt.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make it weird. Be careful, by the way." Sierra said.

"Careful of what?"

"Guys are pigs."

"Not all."

"Most."  Sierra said then put some deodorant on and went to class.

I pulled my P.E. shorts up and slipped into my tennis shoes. After nearly placing my folded school clothes in my locker, I stopped at the mirror to pull my hair into a quick ponytail. I then skipped down the stairs to the gym to find Jesse leaning against the stair rail.

"I hate my hair, I didn't bring a brush and it doesn't wanna cooperate. Does it look to bad?" I said bringing up something random to talk about.

He pretended to examine my handy work, "Mmm, terrible." He said with a smile.

"Hey. Now is that any way to charm your girlfriend?" I said and playfully punched his arm.

"No but this is." He said and before I knew it he had me pinned to the ground just like the first day we kissed.

"Really? This again?" I asked.

"It charmed you the first time." He said then kissed me.

He filled this kiss with so much passion that it felt like the world had deteriorated and we were the only two people alive. Suddenly, reality whipped back into place as Jesse broke the kiss off.

I looked deep into his eyes. I searched them and I found something. It was an emotion, a very strong emotion, in fact, it looked just

"I love you, Beca."

Yup, that's the emotion, Love. Wait, did he just say that to me?

"I scared you. I knew I shouldn't have said that but-" before he could finish what he was going to say I pulled his head back down and crashed my lips to his, making it feel exactly like before. I gently pushed him back just long enough to say four little words with a big meaning.

"I love you, too." He smiled and I pulled him back into a kiss.

Out of no where I felt Jesse get ripped from my arms. I assumed it was just one of the teachers doing their job but when I saw the true culprit.......I was p**sed.

Jesse was pinned to the ground by Asher. Asher was repeatedly punching him in the face while Jesse was trying to block the blows. I quickly jumped to my feet and rushed over to the scene. I grabbed a handful of Asher' s shirt with one hand and the hair on the back of his head with the other. I threw him off of Jesse and he hit the wall behind him with a loud bang.

I dropped to my knees beside Jesse. "Oh my God, Jesse."

"Beca behind you!" Jesse yelled and pointed to where I threw Asher. I looked back to see Asher had gotten a metal chair that was set up for the basketball game tonight and he had his eyes locked on Jesse.

I stood up just in time to catch the chair as he tried to slam it against Jesse.

"F*ck!" I cursed under my breath, "I didn't think that through." I said then yanked the chair from Asher' s grip, throwing it on the floor behind me. It landed with a loud clang.

Asher was still proceeding to get to Jesse. In one swift motion, I ducked down, stuck my leg out, and spun around knocking Asher' s legs out from beneath him. Sometimes being a black belt in karate has its advantages.

Asher fell on his back and I grabbed his cheeks and forced him to look at me.

"What? You didn't think I was serious the other day?" I said then put my mouth by his ear. "Well you thought wrong. You're gonna pay." I whispered into his ear the pushed his head down. It slammed against the floor. I didn't plan that but I'm not sorry it happened.

I ran back over to my boyfriend who's face was being examined by Miss Pepper. When Pepper saw me she backed off and I knelt down by Jesse.

"Does it hurt?" I asked as I touched his nose.

"No, getting punched in the face tickled." He said in playful sarcasm causing me to smile.

"Stupid question, right?"


"You two stop lolly gagging and get him to the nurse." Miss Pepper said then directed everyone else to line up on the basketball line.

I lifted myself off the floor then helped Jesse up. I wrapped my hand in his as we walked to the nurse's office in comfortable silence.

"I'm sorry." I said as we entered the upper balcony.

"You don't have to be. It wasn't your fist that rammed into my face multiple times."

"No but it's my fault that my ex's fist did."

"No it's Asher' s fault, not yours. He controls his own actions."

I stopped walking and stopped.

"I know Asher' s a lot to deal with so I'm offering you an out right now." It killed me to say this because I didn't want him to take the out but he deserves the option.

"What?" He asked seeming shocked.

I let go of his hand as I continued to speak. "If we're together we're both going to be the target of Asher' s anger and I don't want you to deal with it if you don't have to. I can deal on my own so I'm offering you an out of this relationship."

He just gave me a look of astonishment. "It's your choice. If you take it your free of Asher for good but if not then...." I trailed off because he got the picture.

"Beca, are you kidding me?" He asked.

"Does it look like it?"

"I would never back out of this relationship. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, if I hadn't met you I would've been out of this school in a heartbeat. You're what's keeping me here, you're my anchor and I wouldn't have it any other way. If Asher makes me the target of his aggression so be it. As long as I'm with you it doesn't matter. As long as we're together we can fight through anything that he throws at us. I love you, Beca and that's all we need."

I let out a sigh of relief at his answer, "I love you, too."

He smiled and cupped my cheeks in his hands. "I know." He said then kissed me. It was a short kiss.

"The blood." He explained why he cut it short.

"I don't care." I said then tangled my hands in his hair and pushed his lips back onto mine.

I giggled as he pushed his tongue passed my lips and tangled it with mine. We kissed until oxygen became an issue then I pressed my forehead against his.

"Lets go." I said then tangled my hands in his and we proceeded to the nurse's office.

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