Chapter 8 - Someday

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Hey guys! So besides the Merome fanfiction I have coming out, I've been in the process of writing another fanfiction.

There's just one thing, WHAT/WHO SHOULD IT BE ABOUT?

Leave your suggestions in the comments! Thanks!

(One week later)

Brianna's POV

*Waah* I heard from the next room over.

"Miiitch." I said

"Hmm" He groaned.

"C'mon, it's your turn to take care of them."

He sighs and gets up. It's been a week since we came home from the hospital with Bentley and Aubree, and they kept us up all night pretty much.

A few minutes later, Mitch crawls back into bed with me.

"They needed to be changed."

I couldn't sleep much now, and Mitch was the same way.

"I can't sleep anymore." I checked my phone, 6:32 AM

"I can't either." He said scooting over, cuddling with me, laying his head on my chest.

I sleepily play with his crazy bed-head, lightly kissing his head from time to time.

"The sun is starting to rise." I said and getting up from my bed.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm going to go watch it. You know how much I love the sun." I said opening the balcony doors.

The sun turned the sky a bright orange. And the warmth began to settle in and warm up the earth.

I looked at Mitch who was still in bed, "C'mon Mitch! Its so nice out here!" I said.

I turned back around towards the sun, and Mitch stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my body.

"Hey Mitch?"


"What was you initial reaction to when you found out I was pregnant...again?"

"You want the truth?"

"No I want you to lie to me. Of course I want the truth!"

"Okay, okay, I was scared shitless. You remember how I was when I found out you...miscarried. I was broken inside. I never wanted to go through that shit again Bri. Ever."

"I know, and I never want to either. But now we two beautiful and healthy babies and I couldn't be happier."

"Brianna, maybe we are fine with just two kids. I mean, you almost died. I almost lost you, and I never want to be put in that situation ever again. Please Brianna, never leave me okay?"

I turn to Mitch, wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands slide down to my lower back.

I wanted to promise him forever, like I've done in the past.

But in all honesty, I can't.

"I can't promise to never leave you, because someday, I will have to."

He looks at me with shock, and walks back inside.

I regretted it as soon as I said it. (I swear to God if someone comments "I regret nothing" I will tickle you with a knife)

"Mitch wait..." I followed him back inside, and he walked into the bathroom.

It was too late, he had already locked himself in there.

I sighed and walked back out into the balcony.

"God dammit..." I whispered running my fingers through my hair.

(a few hours later)

Mitch's POV

It's been hours since I came out of the bathroom. I just wanted to be alone.

I just sat in the bathtub, thinking.

She honestly doesn't know how felt.

I could have lost her. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

I finally got out of the bathroom and went on with my day.

Brianna's POV

I was sitting downstairs with Jerome, with Bentley in my arms and Aubree in Jerome's.

"So when is Gabby coming?"

"Tomorrow I believe. Or tonight depending on her flight."

I look at Mitch who was walking down the stairs.

He ignored us and walked in the kitchen.

I sighed. "You guys fought didn't you?" Jerome asked.

"Not really. I said something that I knew I shouldn't have said."

"Can't say that hasn't happened to me before...with Em." Jerome says sighing.

"Do you miss her?"

"You have no idea how much."

"Yeah, I know she's my friend, or at least was, but I still do miss having her around."

"Yeah, how do you think Adam is coping with Lauren's death?"

I began to whisper. "I think he is handling it way too well."

"Okay, then it's not just me who sees that he is extremely happy?"

"No I agree, and it's good that he's happy, but he hasn't talked about it to any of us."

"Yeah, somethings going on. I can sense it."

I take Bentley upstairs and put him in his crib.

I wanted to talk to Adam.

I opened his bedroom door and saw something.

Faith and Adam were kissing.

"Uh...sorry!" I said, but I knew they didn't want me to say anything.

I bolted, because I had to tell Jerome.

"JEROMEEEE!" I yelled but then Adam picked me up, his hand covering my mouth.

I started kicking and screaming. All the boys came over and laughed.

I bit Adam's hand. "Fuck!" he screamed.


"Shut up Brianna!" Faith said.

"Oh come on, they were K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I said to the boys.

Jerome looked kinda pissed.

"Jerome?" Mitch said.

He just walked away.

"Jerome wait..." Faith said following him.

Were all just stand there, confused.

What the fuck just happened?

It's 12:08 AM here.

And my spring break is over while everyone else doesn't have school tomorrow.

Sad face ):

But I don't have school Friday or the following Monday!

And my birthday is on Easter, yay!

Thanks for Reading!

Much Love❤


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