Chapter 20 - Ready?

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(2 years later)

Brianna's POV

"And I think I'm gonna end the stream there guys! Tomorrow the whole Hughes family is flying out to LA to see Jerome and Emalyn get married! Also we will see a whole bunch of Youtubers there!"

I scroll through the Twitch chat.

"Faith and Adam got married last year guys, no other news from them about anything."

"Ian and Maddie are still together, and so are Quentin and Annie."

"Danielle and Jason are still together too, they actually haven't gotten married yet, they been engaged for like two years. But I think they are dealing with their son, and everything else, but I hope they get married soon."

I continue to scroll through chat and see a few comments that catch my eye.

"Okay, to end the stream, I'll bring Bentley and Aubree in so you can see them. Then I'll end it there."

I stand up, trying to avoid my three month pregnancy belly to hit the desk as I stand up to go get them.

"Guys? You wanna see people on Twitch?"

They nod and I walk with them into the office.

"Alright, here they are guys!" I say. "Say hi guys."

"Hi..." Bentley says shyly to the camera.

"Hi!" Aubree says chrippy to the camera.

"I think we figured out who got the commentator traits from Mitch and I." I say and point to Aubree, as the chat explodes with people freaking out and taking screen shots.

"Thank you guys for saying how adorable and handsome they are." I pick both of them up and set them on each of my legs.

"What do you think is in Mommy's tummy, a boy or girl?"

"A boy." Bentley smiles

"A girl." Aubree says.

"Ah, well we will find out in a few months if you will have a little brother or sister."

I finally end the stream and let the kids go back into their rooms, and I walk into my bedroom to see Mitch sitting on the bed on his phone.

"You do know what time it is and how early of a flight we have." Mitch says and I begin to change into PJs

"Yeah yeah, I know. So why aren't you asleep?"

"I had to check out my social media."

"Ah." I say and crawl into bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Eh, I've been better. Can you go put the kids to bed?" I ask him and he nods, getting up from the bed and walking into the hallway.

I soon fall asleep before he comes back, and I slightly wake up from his lips pressing against my cheek.

"Hmm..." I groan.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up." He says pulling the covers over him.

I move over towards him as he embraces me in his arms.

"What do you hope the gender is?" I say sleepily.

"I hope for a healthy baby."

"I agree." I say falling into a deep slumber.

(The Next Day)

Brianna's POV

"Brianna c'mon, we gotta get ready to go." Mitch shakes me lightly waking me up.

"Ugh...what time is it?" I sit up streching.

"It's 4:30 AM, we have one hour to be at the airport and be on the plane."

I stand up, going into the bathroom to do my daily routine as Mitch puts the kids' little suitcases in the car.

"Alright, do you have you and Aubree's dresses?" Mitch asks.

"Yes, I just checked. Do you have you and Bentley's suits?"

"Yes, I have it in the car."

"Okay good, then lets go."

We haul our suitcases out to the car and walk back inside the house to carry the still sleeping Bentley and Aubree out to the car, and strap them into the car seats.

"Alright, let's go!" I cheer as Mitch pulls away from the house.

We arrive at the airport, going through security and the whole "entering into the United States" thing and soon board our flight.

All four of us slept through the whole flight, and we made it to LA safely and on time.

"Okay it's 11AM, we need to get to the house!" I say hauling a taxi down telling him the address.

We arrive soon enough and see cars lined up as people set things up in the backyard.

I pay the taxi driver and we walk inside the house.

"Biggums!" Jerome yells and hugs Mitch.

"Hey man!" Mitch smiles and Jerome turns to me.

"Geez, it's getting bigger." He smiles and hugs me.

"I know, it's crazy." I say and bends down to get to Bentley and Aubree's height.

"You guys remember Uncle Jerome right?"

Aubree smiles and nods, hugging Jerome and Bentley soon follows.

"Okay, I'm gonna take Aubree upstairs to get ready with the girls, I'll see you in a little bit." I peck Mitch's lips and take Aubree upstairs into Emalyn's room.

"Hey! Oh my God I'm so glad you made it here on time!" Em says hugging me.

I look around to see Danielle, Maddie, Annie, and Faith all dressed up.

"Okay, I need to squeeze myself into this dress, can someone please dress Aubree?"

"Yeah, I got it. I'll dress London while I'm at it." Faith says and I run into the bathroom to change into the dress.

I walk out and everyone smiles at me. "I'm surprised I fit into this now." I say laughing.

"You barely look like your even pregnant!" Annie says.

"Thank you Annie, but I feel like I'm pregnant. Thank you Em for choosing a dress that wasn't so tight fitting." (Photo on side/at beginning of chapter)

"Well I liked the color, and the dress itself. Also I didn't want you squeezing into a dress that you probably would not fit into."

"Aubree and London are done!" Faith says walking out with both of them.

"Awe, they are so adorable!" Maddie exclaims.

We all get ready, getting make up on all of us and our hair done by the stylists.

"Are you ready for this Em?"

I see she's getting really nervous, but she begins to calm down. "Yeah, I am."

I run (more like speed walking) out of the room to go tell Jerome she's ready.

I knock on the door. "You're good!" I hear Ian yell.

I open the door and Mitch smiles at me.

"You look very pretty." He says and I smile at him.

"Thank you babe, but I am here to tell you that she's ready." I look at Jerome who sighs and nods.

"I'm ready too, let's go."


So I thought if I skipped a few years, it would make the book a bit more interesting, and now I am quite happy with this chapter.

So Thanks for Reading!

Much Love<3


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