Chapter 1 - Discoveries

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Peter Rolfe was special.

For one thing, he was the son of the courageous, heroic King Rolfe. Another thing was his destiny. When Peter was young, his father asked a fortune teller to tell his son's destiny. The fortune teller sensed dark things, and Peter was fated to be in grave danger.

King Rolfe reacted at once, and swore to keep his son safe until the end. He and his wife, Queen Brianna fortified the city at once, and it looked as if the city was indestructible. The people living inside questioned the royal family. They asked why the city was so fortified and if a war would come soon. They were afraid the city would be isolated from others, and asked questions so frequently, at times, the gate to the castle was sealed. King Rolfe did not tell his people about his son though, in fear that they would not understand.

Trade was cut short, and all their food came from within the city. The city of heroes was now isolated from anywhere else. As months passed, leaves began to fall and the weather became colder. There was still no attack, but security did not loosen. All day and night did patrol take place, guards shifting time to time.

Peter, inside the castle, began to grow bored. He received no notice of why he could not go outside, and watched boys his age play around from a window. Peter was now 8, 6 years since his parents heard the fortune teller.

Every night, Peter dreaded sleeping, because when he did, nightmares crept up to him like a cat stalking prey. Peter did not know what thy meant, but suspected something weird about them. He asked his father when he had the chance, but he didn't see him very often. King Rolfe, as king had many responsibilities, and needed to worry about the food that winter.

When Peter asked his mother, if she knew anything, she did not show, nor say it. The questions unanswered, Peter roamed the halls, searching for adventure or fun. He had grown out of his baby toys, and his favorite was his bow. The bow was kept under Peter's bed, and Peter treasured it. When he was little, King Rolfe (his father) recognized Peter's talent as a archer, and gave a bow to Peter as a present. This was when Peter was 4, but Peter remembered the details very precisely.

One snowy day, Peter ran to the royal yard to play with the snow. He was careful to not step on the garden, and hastily gathered some snow. Now that he was 10, Peter was allowed to play on snowy days alone, for the first time. Peter was very excited, and wore leather to keep warm.

Jumping around, Peter made two snow blocks, and stacked them on top of each other. He only needed a head, and sneakily searched for the perfect head in the kitchen. He stayed low, hoping nobody would see him. Pittman after item he looked. Eggs were to small, and dirt did not have a face imprinted. Walking around the kitchen for the last time, the corner of his eye spotted a pumpkin. It matched all his requirements, and he happily placed it on the the blocks of snow. As Peter placed it, he jumped back in surprise. The snowman was moving, and Peter was not expecting this. "Whoo oo are yo uu u " he stuttered. The snowman looked as if it was smiling. Peter smiled back, and ran back into the castle to announce his new discovery.

His mother rushed out into the garden, Peter screaming,"My Snowman is alive!" However, when he rushed out with his mother, there was no snowman. In its place was 16 snowballs. Peter gaped. His mother scolded him for lying, and suggested he go back into the castle. Peter did go back, but he was not listening. He was thinking. There was so many things in the world Peter did not know, and he was ready to take on every single fact. Peter took his jacket off, and placed it on the table. Walking, he climbed up 2 flights if stairs that were shimmered brightly by the white chandelier above. "It shines like the moon" his father had said, and Peter has nodded.

There was something that did not match before, though. Peter was very observant, and noticed it quicker than any other boy could have. It took time, and stuck inside the castle, Peter had much time and noticed many things. How fire comes out of the oven after exactly 5 seconds, people's reactions, etc. the chandelier was in the castle since it was made, and had to have a history. Almost everything in the castle now was either replaced, moved, or improved. But not the chandelier. Year by year, it stayed the same.

The difference was that there were 13 lights, while city chandeliers had 12, and that there was a eerie blue light in the middle. Peter had only known this when he got a closer look, by sneaking a ladder up. It was as if the chandelier was hiding something, something he was not supposed to know.

Many thoughts hurled inside Peter's head, like "Is the inside evil?" And "Does anybody know about the secret that lays inside?" This time, He did not ask neither of his parents, for he predicted their answer already. More over, he did not want to notify his parents about his discovery.

Besides the chandelier, there were many pictures in the castle. There were battles that were blurred, a man with white eyes that creeped him out, and armies of the dead. On his way to his room, Peter could not help glancing at the pictures, and putting himself into deep thought once more.

As Peter walked up the stairs, they creaked and groaned. He clutched the railing, and opened his room door. Excited, he hurried inside. Peter had always had interests in books, and had read all the books in the castle. The books however, were only fiction. He wanted to know more. So Peter ran down the flights of stairs again, grabbing his bag in his room. He walked to the outside library, which had just bee removed from restricted for him recently.

Looking for books, he went to section after section. He picked out three books in which he thought would help him. Minecraft wiki: Blocks, Minecraft wiki: Crafting, and Minecraft, the world around us. Eagerly, he opened up Minecraft wiki: Crafting, because he was most interested in this. He did not know how to craft, or what was crafting because in the castle, everything was done for him. He read the table of contents:

Chapter 1 - Crafting, the intro

Chapter 2 - basic crafting

Chapter 3 - food and farming, crafting

Chapter 4 - mining, crafting

Peter thought, what is mining?

Chapter 5 - utilities and tools, crafting

Chapter 6 - other, crafting

Chapter 7 - Conclusion

Instantly, Peter was hooked. Turning the page, he started reading.

"Crafting is an essential part of minecraft. Everything starts with crafting. You cannot make anything without it. Crafting benches make crafting a lot easier, as well as allowing you to craft more different things."

Peter then turned the page and read about the basics of crafting. He learned it was including crafting benches, furnaces, brewing stand (What is that?, Peter thought) quickly, the day ended, and the librarian rushed Peter out. Taking all three books out, he brought them home, and returned to the peaceful yet boring setting of his room. Falling on his bed, Peter fell asleep in the illusion of dreams he was in. There was another question he had just remembered. "Were the dreams real?"

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