Chapter 9 - Steve

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Peter woke up with extreme diffuculty, as if his bones and his muscles were still in resting mode, unable to move. "Ahhh" he said, as he stretched. 

He was an orphan. It was not a something good, but it was the truth. He was an orphan.

Day after day, his memories still haunted him, but his sorrow decreased less and less. This surprised him. It had only been like what? Two or three days since the "incindent" (This was what Peter would refer to as the destruction of The City of Heroes) and Peter's sadness lessened by so much. 

HIs sadness overwhelmed him while he was in the minecart, but only then was he really sad. 

He walked toward the kitchen, as he did the day before and surprisingly, Frank the villager was already there in a chair, silently reading a book.

He looked up. "Hello Peter." 

"Hello Frank" he replied.

"Nice day isn't it! Look! I made breakfast!"

Peter didn't know why, but Frank always seemed so enthusiastic when it came to food.

Peter sat down, staring blankly down. He was now all alone, in the world of Minecraftia. He was just a little boy, after all.

Frank looked up. He face became stern. "Come with me."

Peter was confused. Frank got up from his chair, and gestured Peter to the door. Curious, Peter followed. They walked through the village until they came to a stop at a giant boulder.

He moved his hands as if trying to push something and closed his eyes.

"Frank, are you all right?" Peter asked.

Frank did not reply. His eyes were closed, and he suddenly made a flinging motion at the boulder. He opened his eyes.

Peter could hardly believe it. The giant boulder, supossedly weighing a few tons was shifted to a side, so that a small entryway formed. 

"Woah" Peter said in amazement, "How did you do that? It was just like magic!"

"It is magic!" Frank replied.

With that, they enetered a completely different world, with children all around, shooting arrows, fighting with swords, etc. "Here is where you will be training." He pointed to a corner with a bunch of boys who looked very unfriendly. One boy, however, looked nervous, and stood somewhere from the bunch.

Slowly, Peter walked up to them. "Hello, boys!" Frank said. "We have a new boy here, to train with you! His name is Peter." Peter made a small smile. All the boys except the one who looked nervous rolled their eyes.

Frank continued, "This is Steve," he pointed to the nervous boy. "He is also new. The others are Zack, Joshua, Sam, and William.

When Frank departed, the boys, who were probably around 15 sneered at Steve. Steve backed away nervously. Peter noticed Steve was abourt the same age he was, probably 10.

"So..." Zack started, "What is your skill?" 

"Just show us", Joshua added, menacingly.

"Joshua, please leave this to me" Zack said rudely. "Stop interrupting me" 

Evidently, Zack was the "leader" of their group of four. 

"Swordsmanship." Steve piped up, and a wide grin spread upon his face. Peter immediately admired his bravery, and wanted to see what happened next.

"Ooooh." Zach laughed, "Swordmanship. You'll never beat us. I happen to be a swordsman myself, but it's not worth the effort to challenge you. Sam, come teach this boy not to mess with us." Zach boringly picked his fingernails.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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