The signs as Miniminter quotes

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Aries: "I'm gonna suplex your nan"

Leo: "I'm a prick and I love it"

Sagittarius: "I do love a bit of Ethan's mum"

Taurus: "that's why I went for Harry's virgin hole"

Virgo: "hi again, it's me"

Capricorn: "suck that Mrs Robinson I did know my abc's. She was a mean year 9 teacher"

Gemini: "high five in the bootyhole"

Libra: "cause were all in crates. We're being shipped"

Aquarius: "you're a fuck and I hate you"

Cancer: "can't get a girlfriend cause my fingers don't move as fast as my mouth"

Scorpio: "...testicles, but pokéballs..."

Pisces: "oh my god, people are cunts. I hate people. Literally, why do we play with other people? I was happy in our little bubble"

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