Chapter 1: Suckerpunch

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~Dean's P.O.V~
I walked into the WWE headquarters. I had to admit, I was slightly nervous. Slightly.

This was my make or break moment. My heart rate quickened. I stopped walking, and just stood in front of that huge W. My heroes came from here. I was thinking about all that I had to do to get here. Just as I was in the middle of my fantasizing, a young woman walked up to me.

"Sir? Sir, are you here to see somebody?" The young woman asked.

I turned and looked at her, "Oh, yeah. Paul Levesque."

"I'm assuming you are Jonathan Good. Is that correct?"

"Um, yeah." I responded.

"I'll go inform Mr. Levesque of your arrival." The woman walked off.

I just walked around knowing that this could be my future. I could be on everyone's TV's. And I know it seems crazy, that I could get in here on the first try. But hey, at least I've got a chance.

"Mr. Good, Mr. Levesque is ready for you."

I nodded my thanks to the woman, and headed into the office.

"Ah, Mr. Good! Pleasure to meet you!" Triple H stuck his hand out to shake mine. I politely shook his hand, and I was trying my best to hide the excitement boiling under my skin.

"Mr. Good, Vince thinks you have potential in this company. I think you do as well. Although, the way we would like to present you is not a solo act." Triple H explained.

I felt the excitement drain from my senses. In a group? I'm not exactly known for working well with others. I tried to remain with a positive attitude.

Suddenly, someone entered into the office. It was Dusty Rhodes! He was one of my childhood heroes. He took the seat next to me.

"Looks like we've got a new recruit, huh, Hunter?" He asked jokingly.

Triple H smiled at him. "I guess we do."

My eyes widened. "Wait, does this mean...?"

Triple H leaned forward, and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Welcome to World Wrestling Entertainment, Mr. Good."

I almost passed out. I'm in the WWE. That's insane. Almost as insane as me. In the midst of my realization, Triple H started talking again.

"Now that you're in, there's a few, modifications, that need to be made."

I looked at him in confusion. "Modifications like what?"

"Well, for starters, your name."

"My name? Well, I wouldn't be Jon Good, I'd be Jon Moxley." I tried to explain.

Hunter seemed a little bit annoyed. "Jon Moxley cannot exist anymore. You need a new gimmick. This ultra crazy, bloodthirsty, violent thing you've got going on, it's gotta be a little tuned down."

"But, I've always been Jon Moxley!" I exclaimed.

"How about Dean Ambrose?" Dusty suggested.

Triple H didn't look too thrilled by the name, but it actually sounded kind of decent.

"I guess it works." I mumbled.

A woman walked into the office. I assumed it was Triple H's wife, Stephanie MacMahon.

I stuck my hand out to greet her, but was rudely shunned.

"Yes, hello, I know who you are. Mr. Ambrose, if you go down the hallway, and make a left, that's the locker room. Your group members will be in there."

I didn't like Stephanie already. "Is that is, boss?" I said.

"Please," Triple H said, rolling his eyes, "Call me Hunter."

I nodded and headed out of the room. It took me a while to find the locker room, but I managed. I walked in and saw two men putting things into their lockers.

"Um, hey." I greeted. "I'm Jon, or uh, Dean, I guess."

A tall muscular man stepped forward. A serious look on his face. For a moment, I thought he was going to beat the shit out of me.

His eyes quickly lit up, and a smile arose on his face.

"Hi, I'm Joe, but you can call me Roman!"

I liked this guy already. There was another man behind him, he was pretty friendly.

"Hi! I'm Colby, but, uh, you can call me Seth."

"I guess we're on a team together, huh?" I said.

"Yeah, they call us the Shield, but we need to come up with what it stands for."

It took us hours to finally come up with what it should stand for.

"Alright, how about Sierra for S?" Roman suggested.

"Why Sierra?" Seth asked.

"Just like the name." Roman responded.

Finally, we came up with it. Thank God. As I was walking out of the locker room, I bumped into the prettiest girl I had ever seen. And that girl would change my life.

Hey, everyone! New story! It's a Deanee fanfic because I love their relationship and they are too pure for this world. Hope you enjoyed!💕

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