Chapter 5: Hangover

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~Dean's P.O.V~
I looked around the hotel for Renee, my head pounding.

"Remind me to ease up on the alcohol consumption." I told myself.

I saw Alexa Bliss walking down the hallway.

"Hey, Deano." She said waving.

"Hey, Lexi. Have you seen Renee?" I asked.

Alexa smiled nervously.

"Maybe." She pointed to the Bella Twins room and ran down the hallway laughing.

I knocked on the door, and heard Nikki say, "It's open." With a slur.

I walked in and was taken aback.

There were tons of wine bottles coating the floor. Shot glasses laying broken on the kitchen floor.

Nikki was laying in the bed, holding her stomach and groaning.

Brie was passed out on the floor, and Renee was on the couch.

I pick up Renee bridal style, and she buried her head in my chest.

"Hey, Dean?" She asked.


"You smell good."

I laughed, and said, "Thanks."

We made it back to our hotel room, and I set Renee down on the bed. I tried to open up the blinds, but I heard Renee whine as soon as sunlight entered the room.

I quickly closed them, and sat on the bed with Renee. She pulled the covers over her, and I laid down next to her.

Renee put her head on my chest, and snuggled closer to me.

"Dean?" She asked drunkenly.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"I love you."

And for the first time in a long time, I, Jonathan Good, the scrappy Cincinnati kid, who had a dream of becoming something amazing, for the first time, felt something amazing.

I felt love.

==Two Hours Later==

"Yo, Ambrose!"

I opened my eyes quickly. How long had I been out? Days? Months? Years? Did the Zombie apocalypse happen yet?

"Ambrose! It's me!" The voice yelled again.

"Who's me?" I said tiredly.

"Me, would be Roman!"

"Whaddya want Ro?" I yelled back. Renee began to stir.

"Hey, uh, you know we gotta go, right?" He said.

My eyes widened. I looked at the clock.


"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" I said to myself.

I opened the door for Roman, and saw not just him, but Seth at the door too.

"You want some help, man?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." I responded.

Seth and Roman grabbed Renee and I's bags, and I grabbed Renee.

"Put me dowwwnnnnn." She whined.

"If I put you down, you're going to run into a wall, or fall down the stairs." I told her.

"No, I woooon't. Watch."

I put Renee down, and watched as she ran into a window.

"Do you see my point?" I asked.

"Well, at least it wasn't a wall." She laughed.

I walked back over to her. My chest was beginning to hurt from carrying her, even though she weighs practically nothing. I let Renee heavily lean on me. I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

We finally made it to the rental car, and we both sat down.

Renee leaned on my shoulder as I drove.

"Hey, Renee? Babe?" I asked.

"What?" She responded.

"I love you."


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