Babysitter Or Seducer ~ 20

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Justin P.O.V

I stared at Jason in anticipation after asking him if he wanted to be my boyfriend. To be completely honest, I don't know why I wanted him to mine or why I even asked him in the first place. Granted he is a cute underage boy and I liked adrenaline but really... Why did I even ask?

Being one of those people that didn't see a point in relationships, I confused myself. Most of my life I never saw the point in being committed. Even if I did see some of the advantages, but then I analyzed them and realized that it was nothing at all.

You got someone to talk to everyday, okay and? If you got friends you got someone to talk to everyday. Or maybe that's just me.

Someone to hold at night, say I love you to and have constant sex with. Why would I want someone to hold at night when I love being in bed by myself? When I love living alone? Why would I say I love you to someone just because they want to hear it? And I could have constant sex with different people without having to be in a relationship with them. That may be considered ultimate whoring but who the fuck cares?

Maybe it's just the fact that I'm so self sufficient that I don't feel the need to rely on someone else. Maybe it's just the thought of putting myself in a position others want to see me in seeming as being in a relationship and getting married is part of life... Or so they want to make you believe it is.

Truth to be told is that life is not going to put your 'soulmate' in front of you in a silver plater. It just doesn't work like that and if someone further down in life makes you believe that you need to marry someone before you die, you are the naive one. Not them for believing that that's the way to go.

I've had crushes before. I've contemplating getting in relationships before and all my attempts came right back to me thinking 'what's the point of a relationship?' Because I just don't see one. At all.

Then again... Why am I here, right now, looking down at Jason as I awaited for him to answer my question? One I have not asked in my last twenty something years of life.

"You cannot be serious right now" He mumbled at last. I stared into his eyes for a minute or two. Just stared, nothing more. I tried to search for reasons to tell him that I'm serious other than the fact that he was cute and just my type.

Chuckling, I shook my head "I'm not" I said at last "I just wanted an excuse to keep kissing you whenever I wanted then again... I can do that without the commitment"

"Do you think I'll just let you kiss me whenever because you want to?" He asked sitting up straight while looking at me.

"I don't see the point of relationships, Jason" I'm not about to have this conversation with a sixteen year old boy.

"I've noticed that you don't see the point in anything, Justin" He mumbled causing my mind to step into a frenzy.

"What are you talking about exactly?" I questioned.

"You don't see the point in anything. That's what I'm talking about. Like, if I asked you what's the point of life, you will say there's none"

"Because there's none! Life is a cycle that will never change"

"Then why are you alive?!"

"Because I'm not suicidal!" I exclaimed.

"I'd love to know why in the world you think the way you do"

"I think the way I do because there's no point in anything. We all going to die, aren't we?"

"And it's up to you to make life worth the living"

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