Chapter Nine

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I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was Britt looking at me with concern and my parents next to her.

My head was pounding but I didn't care. Britt was holding my hand and it felt great. It had been so long since she had touched me let alone really spoke to me so I gratefully accepted it.

I tried to sit up but couldn't for the dizziness in my head took over. I quickly lay down again.

"Zac don't try to move. You got hit in the head. Just lie there and relax."

Her words were soothing and comforted me. I knew I still loved her. I had been kidding myself that I could just accept friendship. I needed to fight for her, whether she was with Kai or not. I knew I'd be breaking the bro code but there was no way I'd give her up without a fight.

"Who won?" I managed to croak out. I knew it wasn't me. I didn't have a chance to finish but then again I didn't care.

"Ronnie won. She was brilliant. Blew the competition out of the water, literally."

I tried to talk some more but Britt hushed me.

"Don't talk. Just rest. You'll be fine but you just need to rest."

So I gave in and closed my eyes, the feeling of Britt's hands on mine.

The doctor gave me the all clear. I had a slight concussion and a nasty bump but all in all I had escaped major injury.

Mum and Dad took me home. I woke up again after that first moment but Britt had gone. Of course. She had probably gone to support Kai. After all she was his girlfriend, not mine anymore.

Strict bed rest, Mum had ordered. I was there now with plenty of pillows. I buried my face into them.

I heard a knock at the door. I thought it might have been Mum with some food. I was feeling a bit hungry and wouldn't have minded eating something.

"Come in."

The door opened and I saw Britt standing there with Jed right behind her. My heart started beating fast. Why was she here? Surely she was supposed to be with her "real man" Kai right now.

"Hope you don't mind me coming in."

It was strange. Britt had been in my room a million times yet she was entering as if she was a stranger. I propped myself up on the pillows and gestured for her to come.

She sat at the end of the bed and started fidgeting with the corner of my blanket.

"Umm Zac. I just wanted to see if you were ok."

Her eyes looked soft and wet. It took all my willpower to stop myself from reaching over to touch her face.

"I'm good. Hey thanks for coming and all but shouldn't you be out with Kai?"

I didn't want her to leave but then again I couldn't really handle her being so close. It just reminded me of what I had lost.

"I broke up with Kai. Just before the competition. I know the timing was really bad but I couldn't pretend anymore."

Pretend. Broken up. What was she saying and was this reality or a dream.

"The problem is the whole time I was with Kai, I've been in love with you. I know you don't love me anymore but I couldn't let things go further with Kai especially since I'm not over you."

She spoke plainly and from the heart. It took me a moment to register. She still loved me!

"Britt." I wanted to touch her but she was sitting so far away.

"I love you. I've never stopped loving you. I could see that I was losing you so I set you free. Free so you could make a decision. I knew if we were meant to be you'd come back. Oh Britt, I love you so much. Come here."

And like that she started to melt like butter. She came closer and put her arms around me.

"Oh Zac. I'm so sorry. I never stopped loving you. I just got confused. You had been the only guy in my life. I wasn't sure if I was missing out on something. I thought I needed to explore my options but now I know. All I want is you. I love you Zac. Nobody else."

She then kissed me lightly on the lips. Her beautiful lips were on mine again. How I had missed them.

"So what happened with Kai? Is he ok?"

"Actually I think he knew deep down that I was still in love with you. That was probably the reason why he never pushed our relationship to the next level. I know you probably think he is a jerk but he is actually quite a sweet guy underneath. Funnily enough he left with Ronnie after the competition. I think he'll be ok."

"I'm glad to hear it. I'll have to talk to him but from what you are saying I think he'll be fine. Well Britt, will you be my girlfriend again. I'm not taking no for an answer."

She laughed and kissed me again.

"Of course. You don't need to ask."

"Hey but don't expect me to go out and get a dragon tattoo or nothing. I know you liked Kai's"

"This tattoo is all I need."

She touched her hand to my Britt tattoo. I had Britt back in my life again. I couldn't be happier.

Graduation Day arrived. It was bitter sweet. On one hand we were grateful to have made it so far. On the other hand it meant Britt was leaving for the city to begin her internship.

I was helping her pack, trying to hold back the tears. She didn't need to see me cry. It would only make things harder.

I watched her buzz around her room excitedly. I knew this was a great opportunity for her. I saw her pick up the stuffed elephant I had given her a while ago. I thought maybe she had gotten rid of it. I mean because it was a child's toy and she was now an adult.

"I can't believe you still have that."

She laughed and packed it into her bag.

We promised to keep in touch. To talk everyday. I knew she was off for big adventures but so was I. I was going to start my traineeship full time now. I was really looking forward to this. It made me happy that I was on a path that would ensure my future.

I used to think there was no better feeling than riding the perfect wave. I now knew better. With my Britt in my life, I was truly complete.

Thank you for reading The Heart of Zac. If you like this story, please read Brittany's Dream Wedding which picks up three years later. Read about Zac and Brittany as the contemplate marriage, babies and careers. This will be the last book written from Brittany's POV. The sixth and final book is a prequel and depicts life from the eyes of Anneliese, Brittany's mum. Show your appreciation by sharing, voting, commenting, messaging. I love hearing from my readers.

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