Chapter Two

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"Hey mate why'd you go off in such a hurry. Trying to impress purple over there. Don't forget. I saw her first."

He was talking about my Britt. My blood started to boil. Friend or not he couldn't talk about her that way.

"She's not a chick. She's my Britt."

I said the words as calmly as I could but I couldn't keep the anger out of my voice.

"Whoa mate. Take it easy." He whistled again. "Man you are the luckiest guy in the world. I mean if she were my girl I wouldn't let her walk around like that."

"There's nothing wrong with what she's wearing. I'm not her owner. C'mon I thought we were here to surf."

We paddled up to the next wave and took our positions. That thrill, that exhilaration. Nothing could beat that feeling.

When we had enough we approached the shore. Britt immediately jumped up and hugged me. Kai did get one thing right. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Zac. You looked great out there." She kissed me passionately. For a minute there I forgot that I was standing there next to Kai and Talia.

"Ahem." Talia broke the silence. "So Zac, are you going to introduce me to your new friend."

I noticed that Kai had opened the top half of his wetsuit exposing his dragon tattoo. Talia was eyeing Kai off but Kai seemed to have his eyes glued on Britt and her purple bikini.

Instinctively put my arm around her.

"Kai, Talia. Talia, Kai." I said carelessly.

"Hi Kai."

Talia approached him and put her hand on his arm.

"Impressive tattoo."

She walked around the back of Kai her fingers trailing his back. Talia was such a tease.

I didn't mind in that moment. It meant that Kai had finally taken his eyes off Britt.

Not for long though. He broke free of Talia's touch and stuck his hand out.

"Hi. You must be Britt. Zac talks about you all the time."

"Thanks and the name's Brittany."

Attagirl I thought. I knew she only let people close to her call her Britt. She couldn't stand it when people she didn't know well casually called her by her nickname. Hearing her say this to him made me feel a million times better. I knew I'd have nothing to worry about.

Kai insisted on all of us staying on and having dinner at the local bistro. Britt had thankfully changed into a flowing sundress but it couldn't hide her figure. I caught Kai sneaking a glance or two when he thought I wasn't looking.

Talia was vainly trying to grab his attention. She had broken up with Blaine not long ago. She didn't talk about it but I knew she had been hurt deeply. All of us, Britt included had thought that he was the one.

I sat there uncomfortably as Kai and Britt talked animatedly about London. I knew Britt had loved her time there and was always happy to talk about her experiences. Generally it made me happy seeing her with her eyes lit up but watching her now having Kai hanging off every word made me seethe with jealousy. What was wrong with me? Kai was a mate and Britt, well Britt was the love of my life. I knew she'd never let me go.

"Oh and did you go to Piccadilly Circus and sit under the statue of Eros." Britt's eyes danced as she relayed this.

"Of course but did you catch the Tube to Notting Hill Gate and check out the Portobello Market?"

I had no idea what they were saying. I felt so left out. I turned to Talia who was sucking down her drink through a straw.

"So how's Teddy?" I asked Talia.

Wrong question. Her eyes looked downcast. Of course. Blaine and Teddy were best mates. They had moved into the same residential college at University. I immediately regretted opening my mouth.

"He's good." Talia snarled.

She continued sucking down her drink like her life depended on it. I didn't blame her attitude. Britt and Kai were so engrossed in their conversation that we both felt like spare wheels.

I looked at the way Britt was glowing. In the past, only I could have could have elicited that response from her. I couldn't believe how easily Kai had managed it.

At one point it looked like he was trying to touch her hand. It made me go ballistic.

"I think it's time to go Britt." I announced very loudly.

I just wanted to take her away from there, away from Kai.

"But it's still early."

She gave me a doleful look. I knew I was being rude but I didn't care.

"Chill mate. We'll leave after Brittany finishes her story."

Kai then encouraged Britt to proceed and again Talia and I were the spare wheels.

When the evening finally ended, I took Britt home and kissed her at the front door.

"Are you sure you don't want to come in? My parents aren't home."

Her tone was seductive and I knew what it meant. Problem was I was still irritated by Kai's attention to her. More so I was irritated by her response to him. I usually kept my cool in these situations. After all, I didn't own her. I couldn't dictate what she could and couldn't do. She was her own person.

"Not tonight Britt. Feeling beat."

I really wasn't but I didn't feel in the mood.

Her face fell a little and she pecked me goodbye.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow then."

She skipped into the house and disappeared.

I walked back home contemplating my own thoughts. Should I have just gone inside with her. I loved her. I truly did but at that point it felt like I was second choice. I couldn't deny the chemistry between Kai and herself. I had been Britt's only boyfriend. What would happen if she decided she needed to explore her options. The thought suddenly caused a tightening in my heart. I couldn't lose her. Never...but then again I couldn't stop her if she chose to leave me.

My heart heavy with these thoughts I continued on home.

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