Chapter Seven

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As I paddled into the surf I tried to keep thoughts of Britt out of my head. It might look easy to surf but it commanded a great deal of skill and attention. Last thing needed was to nose dive.

I watch as Ronnie executed her manoeuvre perfectly. She would be a formidable challenger. If I was going to win this competition I was going to have to put in a lot more practice.

I looked out to shore. Britt was staring out at the water. I noticed Kai was still on shore. Was it possible that she was looking at me.

My concentration started to falter and suddenly I wiped out. Damn it I couldn't expect to win this thing if I mucked around. I had to be serious. I pushed all thoughts of Britt out of my mind.

School was ok. We were heading towards the final term. Surprisingly I had managed to maintain my grades. Britt and I had always studied together. It was hard not having my study partner this year but I learned to cope. I was proud of myself.

At the start of the year I had no idea what I wanted in life. Sure I'd always picture Britt and surfing in it but when it came to a real future I had no clue. Now that I had obtained myself a future at the garage I felt secure. Sure it wasn't as glamorous as other people's choices but it was something I enjoyed. I knew I'd be able to make a decent living out of it. Maybe own my own garage one day.

My parents were proud too. It also meant that I would be staying close to them. A lot of the other students had lofty dreams of attending university in the city. Britt included. I knew now I had done the right thing. She needed to explore her own options first. Put herself first for once.

I practised everyday with Ronnie in readiness for the surf competition. We both knew it was going to be tough but we encouraged each other and pointed out ways to improve. We were competition rivals but we were friends first. I was grateful for the friendship.

Kai had entered the competition too. It surprised me a little bit. Sure he was a fine surfer but was he competition material? I guess we would have to wait and see.

I was working at the garage one day and I could hear the chatter of Kai and some of the other guys. The radio was blaring as usual so I wasn't really paying attention. I just wanted to concentrate on what I was doing. I took a lot of pride in my work.

"Hey Kai? How's that sexy girl of yours?"

I could hear the guys ribbing him. I had started at the garage after Britt and I had broken up so they had no idea of my relationship with her.

"She's sweet. Coming round after work so we can hang out."

"But is she too sweet. Seems more like the you can look but not touch type."

Guy talk. It was inevitable in a garage. Still I couldn't help but prick up my ears to listen. Kai and Britt had been going out for a few months now. I needed to know how serious it had gotten.

"Well you know..."

Kai blushed as his voice trailed off. I sighed a deep breath of relief. From the sounds of it their relationship had not yet progressed to the next stage.

"Well Kai, if you aren't man enough, how about letting me take her out. You know show her what a real man can do."

I started to get annoyed. A "real man" as that guy had put it didn't brag about his girl. Not if he had any respect for her. I was glad that Kai had not stepped the line in that regard.

However the words seemed to have an effect on him. He puffed his chest out and started to brag.

"Well after I win that surf competition she won't be able to keep her hands off me. Trust me. I'll show her what a real man I am. She'll be begging for more."

The guys all laughed and moved on to a different topic. I just continued with my work. Why did I care that Britt was about to sleep with Kai. I mean it was her life, her body. She had been with Kai for a while. It seemed like the natural next step.

The problem was I didn't want her to. We had been each other's first. It meant something to me and I had hoped meant something to her. I hadn't gone out with another girl let alone slept with one. The thought of Britt trembling from Kai's touch made me sad. Call me stupid but I thought I'd be the only person to make her feel that special.

Despite the passing of the time I knew I hadn't gotten over Britt. No matter what I did or what I said to myself those feelings just did not want to disappear. I would probably love her for the rest of my life.

I heard a low wolf whistle come from one of the guys. I noticed that Britt had come to meet Kai. She looked beautiful in her favourite strapless red and white polka dot minidress. Her long dark hair softly cascading around her face. Her lips full and red. She greeted him with a kiss. Once upon a time those lips belonged on mine. I knew I had to stop torturing myself.

Britt looked over in my direction and gave me a tight smile. I knew she was being polite. It just made me want her even more.

The other guys started carrying on and whistling and I could see that Britt was starting to feel uncomfortable. If she were my girl, I would have defended her against their taunts. But she wasn't. It wasn't my place anymore. Kai put his arm around her and guided her away.

I was glad that school was almost over and we would soon graduate. It meant that Britt would be heading away. Probably never to return. Maybe then my heart would have a chance to forget her. I hoped so.

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