Chapter Eight

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Ronnie and I continued to practise getting better with each day. We were sharpening our skills and getting things perfect. I high fived Ronnie as we headed back to shore. We truly made a great team.

The day of the surf competition soon came upon us. The usually quiet beach had been decorated. There was a grandstand where the judges sat as well as additional seating for the spectators. My parents had insisted on coming and while I carried on a bit, secretly I was proud. They knew how much surfing meant to me so having them there supporting me made me feel fantastic.

I could also see Talia and Mark and Gina in the audience. I appreciated their full support. They didn't know the full story behind Britt and our break up and things had been awkward between us for a while. I was glad that things had sorted itself out now.

I kept an eye out for Britt. Under different circumstances she would have been up there with Talia and the gang cheering me on. I knew she'd be coming for Kai now. Part of me hoped that she would still cheer for me though. After all. We were still friends weren't we?

Kai's statement in the garage the other day came back to haunt me.

"Well after I win that surf competition she won't be able to keep her hands off me. Trust me. I'll show her what a real man I am. She'll be begging for more."

I knew he was probably joking. He was being goaded by the other guys and didn't want to lose face in front of them.

However, I needed to win this competition. Not only to prove that I could do it but to bring Kai down a peg or two. Sure we were mates again but there was something in the way he spoke about Brittany that irritated me to my very core.

The stands were starting to fill up but still no sign of Kai or Britt. I had to take my position soon. I couldn't wait any longer. I headed up the beach to take my place.

The first few heats went well. Ronnie managed to get through in her section as did I. Kai had turned up at the last minute with Britt in tow. I saw her sit down next to Talia.

She looked beautiful but then to me she always was. The wind was blowing lightly through her brown hair. Her eyes sparkling with life. That image of her sitting there would have to carry me for a long time. I knew after tonight, I'd probably lose her forever.

Back to business though. The first heats were the easiest. They weeded out the weaker surfers. Getting towards the halfway point was when things started to get serious. I needed all my wits about me if I was going to win.

Ronnie easily won her round. I managed to scrape through with the skin of my teeth. I knew I had to up the ante if I wanted to stay. Kai was surprising good. Perhaps he'd been getting extra practice in. Either way I had a feeling it was going to end up with the three of us in the finals.

Sure enough. It came down to us three. I knew I'd have to pull out some impressive moves to win over the judges.

Ronnie went first. She performed really well. She was going to be a hard act to beat.

My turn. I glanced over at Britt. I hoped that she was cheering me on. Despite what had happened between us  I hoped that part of her still loved me. If we couldn't be together then I would try my hardest to be her friend. I wanted her to be in my life regardless. If friendship was all she could offer then I'd gratefully accept it.

I was starting to feel weary. I had been surfing for most of my life so I was quite fit but today seemed to be taking its toll out on me. I only had one more round and I was done. I looked over at Kai. He looked as exhausted as I did.

I paddled out like I had done a million times before. I found my wave and started riding it.

I had that exhilarating feeling again. The feeling of being invincible. I manoeuvred easily. The ocean was being kind to me. I really thought I had a chance of winning.

Suddenly my leg started cramping. I had been surfing for hours on end and the fatigue was starting to get to me. I tried to manoeuvre into a better position but I couldn't shake the cramp.

I gave it one last go but I failed to realise the nose of my board dipping into the water.

Suddenly I was pearling. The board lifted up from beneath me and was aiming straight towards my head.

The last thing I remember is the board heading towards me and everything going black.

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