Chapter Six

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The night of Kai's and Brittany's date soon approached. Kai had been acting all weird. Usually he was this macho type of guy. You know the type. Love and leave 'em but when it came to his date with Britt he was different.

He took care in his appearance. He started to think about his clothes. It was funny watching this once egotistical guy turn into this caring person who gave a damn about what the girl thought. I mean this was the guy who didn't flinch when he got that massive tattoo on his back. Now he was running around, asking for advice and generally being annoying.

It wasn't his fault. I knew he just wanted to please Britt but inside myself I was hoping that she would reject him and return to me.

"You guys had been together for a while. Tell me what type of food does she like, what type of flowers."

It was so weird hearing him ask me these questions. Sure it had been months since we had broken up but of course I knew those things. We had been together for years. I just didn't want to share them with him.

"I don't know. You'll just have to find out yourself. Now let's get on with this."

I brushed his questions aside. The last thing I wanted to do was help him charm Britt.

I was tempted to tag after them on their date. See what they got up to. Luckily I came to my senses. Not only was that stalking behaviour I knew that it would win me no points with Britt. She had to come back to me on her own terms.

The next day Kai filled me in with all the details. Part of me didn't want to listen but curiosity got the better of me.

He was talking like crazy and personally I found it irritating yet fascinating at the same time.

"So I took her out to dinner and we had this amazing meal. We have so much in common. You know she really is the sweetest..."

"I know I know." I intoned.

"Well anyway afterwards I took her for a walk on the beach. She looked so beautiful. So delicate."

I knew that look. I called it the Britt melting look. The way she seemed to melt like butter. I was afraid to ask the next question but I needed to know.

"So did you end up kissing her?"

Kai pretended not to hear and continued with his work.

"Hey mate. I asked you a question, did you kiss her?"

One look at his face and I knew the truth.

"Yeh I did."

I turned away. What did I expect? She wasn't mine anymore. I knew it was a matter of time before she moved on. I had kissed plenty of girls prior to her but I was the one that had given Britt her first kiss. I was the first one to make her melt like butter. Now she was melting for somebody else.

"So Kai do you think you'll ask her out again."

"I already have." He said excitedly. "I've asked her out in another weeks time and she said yes. I can't believe it. She's different from other girls, you know that. I mean I've been out with my fair share of girls but there is something about Britt that makes me want to impress her. To behave appropriately. I mean it was difficult keeping my hands off her but I could sense she's not that type of girl and I couldn't care less. I just want her to be happy."

I looked him and felt disgust. I didn't want to hear about how he wanted to touch her. I didn't want to hear about any of it. I turned around and continued on with my work.

Time passed and it seems that the Kai/Brittany relationship was getting stronger. In fact they were known around school as Kattany. Rumours were flying about sweet little Brittany and her big bad tattooed boyfriend. Things had progressed a lot further than I had ever would had guessed. I knew she was totally lost to me now. It was time for me to move on too.

The problem was I didn't want any other girl. I wanted my Britt back. The thought of Kai kissing, touching, loving her made me sick. Thankfully he had stopped with the details. That did mean one thing though. When a guy stops talking about his conquests it means he was falling. Kai was falling hard for Britt.

Ever since the break up a stream of girls seemed to follow me wherever I went. There were no shortage of girls. However each one was a poor substitute. None of them stacked up next to Britt.

I returned back to my first love, surfing. I started to find that joy again, that exhilarating feeling. It made me feel alive. Ronnie partnered me many times. Since Kai was busy with Britt, he didn't seem to have the time nor energy to devote himself to surfing. Ronnie and I were just good mates. We both knew that. It didn't stop the rumour mills at school though pumping out details of my alleged new surf bunny. I'm sure Britt heard the rumours too. I wanted to tell her they weren't true but I didn't feel it was my place anymore. We hadn't spoken in months.

Heading down the beach, Ronnie and I saw a flyer for an upcoming surf competition. I never usually entered these things but this year I felt like a challenge.

"Hey Ronnie. How about we enter this year. I reckon we'd both stand a good chance."

Ronnie agreed and we trotted to the beach. The beach wasn't empty. There were a few surfers taking advantage of the great surf. I saw Kai waxing up his board. I approached him with Ronnie.

As I got closer I noticed he wasn't alone. Britt was sitting under the shade of an umbrella. Of course. She was there to watch Kai.

I was too busy staring at Britt. I hadn't spoken to her since we broke up months ago. She looked beautiful. I wanted to reach out and touch her. I knew I couldn't anymore. She belonged with Kai now.

"Hi I'm Ronnie."

I was clearly dumbfounded at that moment so she had taken it on to introduce herself.

"Hi I'm Kai and this is Brittany."

"I know who you are. You're Ronnie right."

Brittany was looking Ronnie up and down. Despite me knowing Ronnie for a while, Britt and her had not met. The only time they had seen each other was during that FaceTime call New Years Eve.

"Well Zac and I are going to head in. Nice meeting you Kai, Brittany."

Ronnie was naturally a stunner. To the foreign eye you would of thought we had a thing going. It couldn't have been further from the truth.

I turned away and headed to the surf. I dared not look back. Britt had moved on so now I had to as well.

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