Katalina's POV
I woke up bright and early just like normal days and I see everyone awake but I completely ignored them. I took a shower like usual then got dressed then all of us went to breakfast, it was rather quiet. When we finished went back to the dorm and it was really quiet until someone broke it
¨ You know we never said those things Kata¨ Rose said as she looked at me something in her eyes told me she wasn't lying. I remember Zachary advice and took it in.
¨Of course I know¨I said as Rose hugged me along with Mae, Crystal and Ivy but Tori only glared at me. Hmm maybe in her heart she meant what she said but with so much hatred weren't we supposed to be best friends since the beginning of high school.
'Tori say something gosh you did hurt her feelings and you know what you said wasn't true¨ Ivy said as Tori rolled her eyes
¨Guys don't worry I don't need to hear her lies and bullshit that's coming out of her mouth¨ I said as Tori gasped like she has never heard me curse before. Yes I don't like profane language I don't cursing too much.
As I walked out I bumped into her shoulder and stopped and turned to her to say a few words to her so she can take into consideration
¨If you keep being a bitch to me to us you won't have friends anymore and finding new ones to support you will be hard to find¨ I said as I walked off into the campus . Tomorrow is the first day of college but I'm rather scared and excited at the same time.
Though the girls and I will go to our separate majors we will still see each other I mean it's a big campus. As I was at the park again I sat down and saw the rest of the girls except Tori
¨ What did she do after you guys left her?¨ I said as the girls started laughing
¨Well she kind of threw a fit such a drama queen. She was pissed and It was so funny¨ Mae said as I laughed with her
¨ By the way Kata where were you last night you came back to the dorm rather late?¨Crystal said as I smiled
¨Well I just sat here in the park and cried but someone came to me and cheered me up¨I said as the girls smirked at me and I just giggled
¨Well who is this someone hmm¨ Ivy said smirking at me and I just ignored her to which she sat next to me and kept repeating tell me tell me tell me. So i gave in and I knew someday I will regret telling them
¨Remember the guy who called me a bitch well believe me or not he is not all that bad¨I said as they stared at me with wide eyes
¨Katalina you think everyone is good inside but everyone hides secrets that they don't want people to actually see¨ Mae said as we nodded. We too had our secrets that we kept inside
¨ So this son of a bitch comforted you? Rose said as I started to giggle and shrugged
¨Yes I see the good in people and I think he hides behind that badboy attitude to cover away from fears and such and I think he wants people to be afraid of him and I think they already do¨ I said as the girls shake their heads laughing
As we were sitting and talking when I saw someone from the corner of my eye it was Joshua so I nudged Ivy who nudged Crystal who nudged Mae who nudged Rose who was so oblivious. We motioned our heads to the direction of Joshua and she blushed fifty shades of red.
Joshua saw us and started to come our way and all of just smirked at Rose who kept telling us to shut up and not to embarrass her and that's highly unlikely because we are the experts in embarrassing each other.

Unforgettable Experience
Teen Fiction6 best friends enter West Bridge Academy College( Boarding School) which was 6 blocks away from where Ashley Turner disappeared 5 years ago. There's a story behind the school that no one tends to see and every little detail is a chapter to the disap...