I woke up and went to class like normally but I felt like a little bit of alarmed just walking to and from class but I just kept a guard towards myself.
I felt a hand on my shoulder when I slugged my arm back and hit the person in the stomach as I heard a loud groan and someone hitting the ground as I turned around I saw Joshua on the ground holding his stomach
" omg omg I'm so so sorry. I didn't know that it was you" I said crouch down to see if he is okay but he just nodded at me
" hey hey it's okay I'm fine I think it was a little bit of self defense I didn't mean to scare you" Joshua said slowly getting up and reassuring to me that he was okay
" sorry I'm just a little bit jumpy" I said as he looked at me with a confused face and started just looking around but I don't know what he was looking for
" Why are you jumpy? Is someone following you or something?" He said as I looked at him why would he assume that
" no I just watched a horror movie last night that kind of freaked me out so of course I'm a little jumpy I mean i couldn't even sleep last night always with an eye opened" I said as he chuckled nervously next to me
" But why were you looking around? Why would you assume that someone was following me?" I said curiously as he looked at me with a smile on his face
" well I mean I heard from Rose that you were attacked last night so I assume you were jumpy about that not about this horror movie" Josh said as I thought to why rose would say something to him. I mean I know that Rose and him are going to dates but still my business not hers
" yeah yeah that too but I mean attacks happen frequently on campus is what some people have told me so I guess it was normal in a sense of way" I said completely lying to him because I have no idea what I'm saying
" yeah yeah could be possible well I'm off to see Rose we have to meet at the library well if you need anything just come find me or get my number from Rose anyways bye!" Josh said running to the direction of the library
It seems to be that he bought the bullshit that I just told him tbh if I watched a horror movie the same day that the men attack me my focus my concentration would be on the man not the movie like I would be scare more of the man not this fictional movie
As I started walking through campus making it past the food areas and seeing the view of the girls dormitory I heard someone call my name and I turned around to see Zachary holding a box and I looked at him weird
" what are you carrying?" I said giggling as he set the box down as he opened it as I saw some junk food and candy and some tissues plus some movies and games so I looked up and stared at him
" so I wanted to have a day with you and I together watching these movies plus you can take a pick to which you like and also we can play games and you can be fat near me and I will think you are the most beautiful girl in the world" Zachary said making me laugh as he smiled at me
" that would be wonderful but my roommates are in the room by now so I don't know what day would we do this at" I said as he picked the box up in one hand and the other one he grabbed my hand and intertwined our hands together and started to walk off
" hey hey where are we going?" I said as he kept dragging me but from a car we looked like a happy couple but I didn't know yet if I could trust him or not
We soon arrived in front of the boys dormitory as he opened the door and let me in as he walked in after me and kept leading me until we came in front of room 216 and I looked at him
" before you start asking me questions. My roommates are with their girlfriends and well I have the place to myself and I didn't really want your roommates glaring at me the whole time and no I won't try anything with you. I won't do it after what happened to you" he said as he opened the door and led me inside

Unforgettable Experience
Teen Fiction6 best friends enter West Bridge Academy College( Boarding School) which was 6 blocks away from where Ashley Turner disappeared 5 years ago. There's a story behind the school that no one tends to see and every little detail is a chapter to the disap...