Katalina's POV
I turned into the driveway with my girls into West Bridge Academy College and man was this a huge boarding school, see a few days ago my top best friends and I well the only friends I have; we left our home from Seattle to Wyoming to start our college years in this boarding school which it states to be that it's the top boarding school in the county.
I parked the car and saw Rose Mae and Ivy unloading our stuff from the trunk and then Tori was fixing her hair on her phone, she started applying some lipstick and then proceeded to get out of the car. I sat still putting my hands on the steering wheel and laying my head down when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
One of my best friends Crystal she just smiled at me like telling me everything was going to be okay and I just nodded towards her and then we both got out of the car.
After the girls unloaded everything we proceeded to carry everything towards our dorms it was 3 to a room so we had to split up but lucky for us we had our dorms right next to us. It was Rose Mae and Ivy in room 515 and then Crystal Tori and I in the other room which was room 516.
I started unpacking my clothes and then settle myself in the bottom bunk because I move a lot in my sleep and don't want to fall off.
I see both Crystal and Tori both get the top bunks they make me laugh so much sometimes it always makes me smile. We settle into the room when i sat next to the window and just stared off into the campus that's when I heard the laughter stop and their eyes on me.
¨ Hey what's going on Kata? You seem off ..¨ Crystal said as I just shook my head as Tori got off her bunk bed and came to sit next to me
¨ Katalina It's our freshman year here at college you should be happy and overjoy!¨ Tori said in a loud super excited voice but how can she be like this to be honest I'm not feeling this school at all but of course I'm not going to tell them that because they'll say it's just me being nervous
¨ It's probably something I ate on the way over here guys don't worry¨ I said as both of them looked at each other and then looked at me
¨Okay now spare the bullshit and tell us the truth¨ Crystal said as I signed I can never tell them a lie they will see right through me
'Alright I'm nervous I'm scared I don't like college it scares me there's something off about this school okay I got that vibe when we entered¨ I said as they laughed of course now they will think it's a phase that I will get over it
¨ Kata don't be like that trust me everyone gets that vibe off of a school on the first day, it's because you don't really know the school but you have to get accustom to it that's all¨ Tori said as she dragged me out of the room and then knocked on room 515 and the door opened to the girls laughing
¨ Guys let's explore the campus because Miss little Katalina has a weird vibe and we have to remove that¨ Tori said as Mae and Crystal ran outside looking for food
Ivy and Tori ran to look for cute boys but Rose and I went strolling out actually touring the campus we actually wanted to focus on school instead of cute boys I mean there's time for cute boys but education is still there
We start looking where everything is so that we don't get lost on the first day of school see we moved three days earlier to campus before the school year started.
We saw the boys dormitory and we were just in the girls dormitory plus we saw only of course the girls showers and bathrooms plus we say where all our classes were but since we are different majors we will be all over the place but at least at the same place.

Unforgettable Experience
Teen Fiction6 best friends enter West Bridge Academy College( Boarding School) which was 6 blocks away from where Ashley Turner disappeared 5 years ago. There's a story behind the school that no one tends to see and every little detail is a chapter to the disap...