Chapter 10

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" it happened the freshman year of my high school. The first time I was molested. I didn't understand what life was and if this was normal everything was so new to me. It was also when the games began when he thought it was okay to touch me because I didn't scream or fight back. He touched me over my clothes the first time and the second time he touched me inside of my clothes but what he would call little of teased and then the third time was the same as the first and then it stopped and continued on when I was 17 this time he went further. He touched me in my areas outside and inside of my clothes and all he did was laugh ... he could have raped me but he didn't." I said in a low whisper as I saw Zachary posted clenching and unclenching his knuckles trying to control his anger as I cried

" Where the fuck is this motherfucker! Who the fuck is he!" Zachary gritted his teeth as he looked at me even though the anger wasn't towards me. I felt his judging eyes towards me

" he made me afraid of men. He made me afraid of loving someone. When that guy attacked me and tried to rape me somehow he reminded me of him because he told " this is going to be fun" he told me the same thing he said to me. because I didn't scream or yell he took that as a yes." I said looking down as he made me look towards him

" Like I said before just because you didn't scream or yell or fight back doesn't give him or anyone the right to fucking do whatever they please to do!" He said as he punched the crap out of this tree as I grabbed his hand before he could punch the tree again

" who is he." He said through gritted teeth as I shook my head towards him

" Who is he." He asked again as I shook my head and put my hands on my head and tears flow down my face

" WHO.IS.HE." He said with his final warning as I looked up towards him with my blurry redness tearful eyes

" he is my cousin." I said as Zachary looked so pissed yet he hugged me and he was crying

" if I knew you! If I knew you back then! If I had met you before I would've beaten his ass. I would have hurt him the way that he hurt you!" Zachary said with so much anger I felt his pain and I wish that he could feel mine

" it doesn't matter now. He is gone" I said as he looked at me as I backed away from the hug

" what do you mean? So he is in prison?" He said as I shook my head as I wish he had suffered like that but he didn't

" no. He died 2 months ago from a drug overdose." I said as Zachary stood up and kicked a trash can

" fucking christ! Why didn't he fucking suffered. I would've made him fucking suffer. He molested a young girl and then he dies over an drug overdose wow fucking ridiculous." Zachary said as I got up and grabbed his hand

" He had gotten what he had deserve isn't that enough. He had paid for his crimes because I wasn't the only girl he molested. There were other before me and after me and instead of jail he got death. God wanted to separate him from our lives the decision that he made was his." I said as Zachary calm down as we started walking around campus

" does it feel better to expose your feelings towards me" Zachary said laughing in my direction trying to hangs the mood

" it doesn't change the fact someone you will crush everything I just told you to hurt me inside" I said as he looked at me hurt

" I'm sorry that I have caused you so much hurt. I didn't mean to kiss Courtney she didn't even mean anything to me I just did it so that you would stay far away from me because I don't want what happened to Ashley happen to you." He said as I looked at him and sighed

" words don't mean anything towards me Zachary only actions." I said as he grabbed my hand and didn't say a word

" you told me that she had gotten what she deserve and I did promise I wouldn't ask about her and I'm not. You keep comparing what happened to her to me and I want that to stop" I said as he nodded and hugged me tightly like he could lose me any second

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