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Hello Everyone

New Chapter up!



"They should be here soon," Ralph announced staring at the expensive watch on his wrist. "Great! I can't wait." Logan said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

The school day was over and all the members of the popular five had returned to their house to welcome their new housemates. It was obviously not going to be a very warm welcome.

"I still don't get how you can be so calm about this," Ralph said to Dylan who was lounging on the couch reading a magazine. He had been quiet for a very long time and for some reason, it irked Ralph. Dylan brought down the magazine to eye level and rolled his eyes at them before going back to reading it. He was really getting tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. They were beginning to sound like broken records.

"I mean, before you know it, she'll turn our house to one of the main houses. Then, there will be other people here crowding the place and it won't be the popular five's house anymore." Logan ranted settling on the couch next to Dylan's, not accidentally.

"The two people coming to live here are already a crowd." Ralph said standing by the doorway to the lounge. Dylan paid them no mind and made no response even though he was aware they were talking to him.

"Where's Roman anyway?" Galen asked coming into the lounge. "Shouldn't he be here to welcome them?" Galen sat down, opening up his bag of chips. "He isn't here, clearly." Ralph said with a roll of his eyes. This mess was entirely Roman's fault as far as Ralph was concerned.

"Oh, for God sake," Dylan yelled dropping the magazine he had been trying to read; keyword here being trying. He had been on the same page ever since they walked into the room. "Could you guys just let it go? We already agreed to it and there's no turning back n..." Dylan was cut off in the middle of his rant by Logan saying forcefully, "Roman agreed, we didn't."

"Well, then, pick it up with him and not me." Dylan yelled glaring at each one of them. They glared right back except for Galen who stared at them, crunching away at his chips with an amused smile on his face. Then, Dylan's glare slipped into a smirk. "But you won't, will you?" he stated smirking at Ralph and Logan.

Of course they won't because they couldn't. They were all talk but when it came down to it, he knew they couldn't confront Roman.

"Hey boys!" a middle aged woman greeted cheerily walking into the room, her hand full of sheets, unknowingly disrupting the glaring match that was going on. "How's it going?" She asked in her same cheerful tone, still not aware of the tense atmosphere in the room.

"Hey Nancy," Galen greeted with an overly excited smile and waving his hands like a mad person. Nancy, the housekeeper of the popular five's house, smiled fondly at Galen before shaking her head. He was the most immature one out of all of them and always made her laugh and that was why he was her favorite.

"Are you done cleaning up the spare room?" Logan asked her gesturing to the dirty sheets in her hands. "Yes I am. I can't wait to meet the house guests." She said, a small smile playing on her lips. No one except for these five boys stayed in this house. Nancy could not wait to see the new faces. She was also made aware that one of them was a girl which made her even more excited. It was sad being the only female in the house sometimes.

"They are staying three months. I don't think you can call them guests." Ralph, who was standing the closest to her said with a roll of his eyes. His voice came out cold and unfriendly and this made Nancy stop. She observed each boy in the room and that was when it began to sink in.

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