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Kieran's  POV

I watched as Katya cried. She looked so...hurt, betrayed, confused and lost. My heart ached to see her like this.
"Katya, please try to at least remember, that I'm your brother. Please. Don't you remember anything? Don't you remember when...Amelia... betrayed us? Don't you remember when dad left us and you were crying? Don't you remember Shimmer? Don't you remember when I lost my memory and then thought of you as Shimmer?" I said to Katya pleading her to remember.
"Nonsense! Katya don't listen to him. He is trying to make you leave your ONLY sister and go to a very bad place. Don't listen Kat. Please." Amelia spoke from behind her.
Suddenly, Katya fell to the ground. Immediately, I bent down and shook her.

"Katya? Katya!" I shouted. I then realised that Katya fainted. Then I heard laughter. I looked up to see Amelia laughing.

"Why are you doing this?" I shouted to Amelia, standing up on my feet.

"Doing what?" she asked clearly amused.

"Drugging Katya. Making her think that your her sister when in reality your not. Making her lose her memory. Making her do your dirty work and sending her out to distribute drugs to people. She could get killed! How are you so cold hearted?!" I yelled.

"What about YOU?" Amelia said pushing her finger against my chest. " The second you saw Shimmer... you left me. We were ENGAGED! You were supposed to marry me! We were supposed to be together! Did you honestly not once think how I would feel once I knew what you had done with Shimmer? Your calling me cold hearted, but look at YOU! You left your wife to be and went to that slut! And what happened? Your family was destroyed." Amelia shouted.
"Don't call her a slut! At least she doesn't bang anyone she can find! She was better than you! Far more better. She was kind, loving, gorgeous and gentle. But you... you forced me to be engaged to you! Why? Because you wanted my money! Because YOU are a slut!" I replied back my anger flowing out of me.
"Don't! Kieran I don't know what she has do me to you...but your not the Kieran which I knew anymore. The Kieran I knew was...strong,emotionless and dark. Now your...your weak! You have emotions! Now you only care about that slut!" Amelia snarled.
       I was about to reply and take Katya when my phone rung. Everyone stopped what they were about to say and looked at me.
"Put it on loud speaker!" Amelia spat. I took out my phone and it read a number that I was unsure of. Who could it be?
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hi, I'm calling from the hospital." The woman replied.
"I-is everything alright?" I asked.
"I'm afraid not, sir." The woman sighed.
"What? What happened?" I shouted as fear flooded me.
"Shimmer is...dying!" The woman said barely over a whisper. My throats became dry.
"What?" I spoke.
"Shimmer is close to death. We suggest that you come here as soon as possible. This may be the last time you see her." The nurse said.
"I'm coming!" I shouted and ended the call before running. I was then gripped by two men. Both bigger than me. They dragged me back to Amelia. I then realised that my men weren't in the room.
"Nooooooooooo!" I screamed desperate to get out of their grip.
"Your not going anywhere!" Amelia said. "You didn't love me! Now you must be punished! So, welcome to your death!" Amelia spoke and suddenly I was kicked in the stomach. I buckled over in pain and held my stomach. I hissed in pain when I felt something smash into my back.
      I tried to fight back however I couldn't! The men were all bigger and stronger than me.
       I received a blow to my face. I stung like a motherfucker! Then two kicks met my hip.
"Amelia please let me see Shimmer!" I begged as someone hit me from behind.
"No!" She shouted. Then a man elbowed my shoulder whilst another put me in a neck-lock. I struggled to breathe.
"I let you into my heart. What did you do? Let me down! You ruined my life for a slut like Shimmer!" Amelia yelled at me.
"Please Amelia leave me! You heard yourself, Shimmer is about to die! I need to go and see her! Please!" I begged Amelia. Then all of her men began punching me. I hissed in pain and suddenly saw blood coming out of my mouth. My eyes widened when I realised that Amelia was going to kill me. I gasped for air when I was gripped tighter.
"Shimmer!" I whispered. I needed to see Shimmer.
"Please." I begged Amelia. Suddenly I was thrown towards her. I spluttered and choked all of the blood in my mouth.
"I loved you! But no longer do I have the same feelings for you." Amelia said as tears fell down her cheek." So that's why I'm saying this to you... I'm sorry!" She replied and hugged me.
As she hugged me I felt something push into me. I looked down in horror to see a knife deep in my stomach. Blood stained my black t-shirt.
My life drained away from me and I began to see black dots appear in my vision.
I fell to my knees. Then Amelia kicked me and I fell face first. This then caused the knife to dig deeper in me.
"Sh-Shimmer!" I screamed. My eyes began to flutter. I then thought what I wanted to say to Shimmer.

Shimmer I love you! I'm sorry that I couldn't meet you for the last time. Take care of our unborn child. And please take care of yourself. I'm sorry that I caused you pain. I'm sorry that I couldn't save you. Amelia Kingston is killing me. Meet you in heaven. Hell for me. Wish I could have met you... but hey we're all human. We all must leave. Love you lots. See you on the other side. xxx

Slowly my heart slowed down. Slowly my life drained from me. Slowly... I lost Shimmer.

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