Chapter one

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This is my first story. I hope u like it.

(Lucy Pov)

My name is Lucy Heartfilia. I am a celestial mage, who is apart of the strongest wizard guild, Fairytail. I can summon celestial spirit from the spirit world by using the spirits celestial key.

I was in the guild drinking my strawberry milkshake, at the bar, when suddenly I was almost hit in the head with a chair. "Hey, who threw that?" I yelled loudly.

"Oops, sorry, Luce." apologized a pink headed boy before giving me his signature grin.

A stripper ran up to him and punched him in the face, "Don't get distracted, flamebrain!"

"Oh, you're going to regret that, ice princess." Then they started fighting again.

I sighed, "They won't ever change." I look around to find out why the red haired equip mage hasn't stopped them yet and I see why. She is eating her favorite strawberry cake. I sighed again and turned to talk to white hair woman who was behind the bar. "Should we stop them, Mira?"

"No, let them have their fun, while it lasts."

"Ok." I turn around to watch the fight when I see the red head's cake get hit by a chair. "Oh no, not again, Erza is about to go on a rampage."

A dark aura formed around her as she stood up, some people started to shake in fear except the unaware fire and ice wizards, still fighting. " Who ruined my cake?" she said through gritted teeth. The two wizards still didn't hear her and she turned around giving them the famous Erza Scarlet death stare. I watched them freeze at the spot, slowly turning around with utter horror on their faces.

The stripper pointed to 'flamebrain', "Natsu, did it!"

At the same time, Natsu, pointed at 'ice princess', "No, it was Gray!"

I started to laugh as I watched them get their normal punishment, getting knocked out. I wanted to be notice so I ordered a cake and said "Hey, Erza?"

"What?" she coldly said still upset over her ruined cake.

I jumped in fear. "Since your cake was destroyed here's another one," I handed her a new piece of cake and her eyes lite up.

"Thank you very much, Lucy," she took the cake and ate it glee fully.

"Welcome" I gave a warm smile.

*a few hours later*

It was starting to get late so I thought I should head home. "Bye, Mira" I waved. I looked over at the two, still passed out, idiots, "Bye, Gray and Natsu."

"Bye, Lucy" she waved back to me as I left the guild.

On my way home, I felt like someone was watching me. So, just in case, I grabbed my whip and turned around, finding nobody at all. It must have been my imagination. I continued to walk home but at a faster pace than before.

When I got home, I entered quickly and quietly so not to disturb her landlady. I headed inside her house, and sat on my bed. I was about to set my keys on my nightstand when I felt heat in my hand. What is this? I realized it was magic and quickly tried to pull out a key, but I only manage to grab two keys before multiple explosions went off.

I was through off my bed and onto the floor, near my bathroom. I stood up quickly, and ran to my bathroom. Then, explosion went off near my feet, almost knocking me to the ground. I stood my ground even though my leg was badly burned and bleeding, I made it to the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it before looking at the keys I was holding. I was holding Loke's and Aquarius's keys. Two of my stronger spirits, great!

"Open, Gate of the Lion, Leo" Loke appeared in front of me bowing.

I'm never going to hear the end of this but it is an emergency. I quickly stumbled over to the bathtub and yelled, "Open, Gate of the Water Bearer, Aquarius" she appeared in front of me with her arms crossed angrily.

" I told u to never summon me from you're bath, ever aga-" she cut herself off when she looked at me. "Lucy?" she said worried. Leo finally looked at me and gasped.

I was trying my best to stand, but my legs finally gave out. I started to fall before Loke caught me. "Thanks, Loke."

(Loke pov)

I looked at Lucy and gasped. She was covered in cuts and burns, plus her legs were barely holding up. I was angry at who ever did this. When she started to fall, I quickly went and caught her.

"Thanks, Loke" she said.

"What happened?" Aquarius questioned.

"No, time to explain right but I need u to attack them."

"Who?" I said. When the door blew down, I had my answer. There stood three people, all wearing hoods. I hand Lucy over to Aquarius and started attacking.

"You hurt our master now you are going to pay, Regulus impact" I yelled as I hit the person in the middle. They went flying backwards, ramming into Lucy's wall.

I heard Aquarius say her spell as a wave of water knocked back the other two. I searched Lucy's closet and found some rope tying up the people.

I looked back at Aquarius who was staring worriedly at Lucy. I looked at the blonde to find her pale, panting, and barely holding our gates open. I noticed Aquarius and I started to disappear, as Lucy passed out. I switched to my own magic and took Lucy from Aquarius. "I'll take care of her" Aquarius nodded before disappearing.

I walked into Lucy's room just to get an explosion blow up in my face. I dropped Lucy then I flew backwards out her window. As I fell, I saw the hooded figures grab Lucy and teleport away. Then, I hit the sidewalk.


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