Chapter 14

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As soon as I finished my glass of Pinot Noir, I walked over to Britt, who was making out with Ashton on the sofa. "Hey b" I giggled as I wrapped my arms around her. "Are you ready?" Britt laughed, smiling. "Fuck yes" I said looking at myself through a reflection on a glass cabinet. I quickly said goodbye and headed upstairs. I searched for the nearest bathroom in this place, which was upstairs. Luckily, it was empty, so I stared at my reflection in a daze and played with my long golden blonde hair. My makeup was perfection, and my outfit was a skimpy shirt that rode low with attached strings at the bottom of my chest. My skirt was high enough for the sexual pleasure. I wasn't ready last time, but I sure as hell knew this was the perfect chance to change things. I took one final glance in the mirror before confidently exiting the bathroom and walking out into the hallway. I tried to hurry, because Roxy had seen him go upstairs not long before. I desperately did not want him to think I flaked on hooking up. Again. However I soon ran into a problem, I wasn't sure which room Cody was waiting for me in. I opened up the nearest door, but other than a few wasted girls talking on the bed, it was empty. I was about to check the next closest room, until I spotted Blaine. "Hey Brooke", Blaine said as I walked up to him,"What's up?" I greeted him with a smile before asking,"Do you know which room is Cody's bedroom?" Blaine smirked, obviously picking up on my intentions. "That door on the end", Blaine pointed out with a laugh as he walked towards the opposite direction of the hallway. I said thank you and slowly approached the door. I stood outside for a second before taking a deep breath and opening the door. Right as I opened the door, I was surprised to catch Cody and Sal having sex, both breathing heavy under the sheets. They immediately stopped what they were doing and stared at me in horror. Sal tried to hide her face with the sheet, but it was too late. Without thinking, I shut the door as fast as I could and stormed away in rage. I couldn't take this shit anymore, so I decided to leave without any distractions from people trying to make conversation with me. When I slammed Cody's bedroom door loudly, not caring if I made a scene, my mind had become filled with disgusted thoughts. I couldn't believe him, why would he have sex with a skanky thot like Sal! The more I thought about it, this was all her fault. She pretended to be my friend and gave me false advice when I let down my walls and whole heartedly trusted her. Sal had told me not to have sex with him , but not because she cared about me or believed it. That shady conniving bitch just wanted Cody all to herself! After struggling to walk down the stairs and approaching my friends, I began to feel dizzy. All I could see were blurry figures of which I assumed were my friends, frantically running over to me and talking loud, then nothing.
"Brooke! Are you okay?", I heard a concerned voice boom. Everything was dark, but I could hear an overwhelming amount of worried voices surrounding me, as well as loud music. "Is she-dead?", some idiot asked in a pitchy voice. Suddenly, my whole body was shaking. And before I knew it, my eyes flicked open. I was on the ground, surrounded by familiar faces. I guess I must have fainted. Now everyone was staring at me in awe as if I was a Monet painting on display. "Everyone, back off, and give her some damn space!", a familiar voice exclaimed to the people around him. To my surprise, the owner of the voice was Jason. He was soon towering above me, his long blonde hair messy, and his eyes twinkling with worry. He grabbed my hands and silently helped me up, while everyone else either continued to stare or went back to whatever the hell they were doing before. Without saying a word, Jason walked me upstairs to an empty room and sat me on the bed. My head was still spinning so I just sat there without saying a word. "Here you go", Jason mumbled as he handed me an unopened bottle of water and an a bag of ice for my head,"You need to sober up and ice your head, that was a pretty nasty fall." I hesitantly placed the ice on my head and drank from the water bottle. After a while of us just sitting there quietly, Jason finally asked,"So are you gonna tell me what the hell happened or not?" I let out a deep sign and took the bag of ice off of my head,"There's not much to explain, my friend is a slut and my boyfriend is a cheating bastard." At first, Jason seemed utterly shocked by my accusation, he was after all, friends with Cody. "Oh, well is there anything else I can do to help? Do you need pain medication or anything?", Jason questioned, trying to move past what I had said. Without thinking I whispered,"There is one thing you could do", and then preceded to lean in and kiss Jason. After the kiss proceeded, Jason seemed taken aback, so I decided to get up. "I'm sorry, I just really need someone right now, someone like you" I said hoping he would buy my excuse. Then it totally came to me that the lucky bitch going out with him is Angel. "No, it's okay" Jason whispered, having an anxious look on his face as he raked his hair back. After a few minutes of silence after sitting back down, Jason pulled me close, kissing me hard. We looked at each other breathing heavily for a moment. We began stripping down, making out continuously. Jason started pulling at my bra, and before we knew it we were under the sheets. So much for making my first time special... But at least it was with a nice guy like Jason. Even though he is my friend's boyfriend.


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