Chapter 21

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"Haha, I'll call you later bitch", I smiled while musing over talking about the plans Brittney suggested for taking Brooke down. After I hung up, I couldn't help feeling overly confident and proud. For once Brooke will get what she deserved. I was so happy that both Brittney and Angel had agreed to help me take Brooke down. Sure Angel wasn't the most devious person, but her involvement could be very useful. After all, she had good reason to want revenge. I was still surprised that Brooke had hooked up with Jason. Brooke had gone from a scared virgin to a slut in just a few days. She didn't have sex with Cody as she had planned, but she did have sex with Jason even though he was dating Angel. All day I've been chatting with both Brittney and Angel about the plan, but we couldn't think of one that would get her dirty. A little disappointed with the progress and slightly bored, I decided to check my phone. I just realized I haven't seen Cody in a while, so I decided to text him. When I opened the messages, he had already sent one. The text read, 'you wouldn't believe this...Ashton and Brooke hooked up last night. I'll tell you the details later'. I literally had to read the text a second time before I got the facts straight. In my head I'm thinking how could she do this, but the other part of me knew that would eventually happen. I didn't feel like texting back, so I decided to hold off until I hear more about it. I feel horrible that my friend was hurt this way, and I don't want her to get hurt again. I wanted to text Brittney and see if Cody had told her and if she was okay. But I also didn't want to be the one to tell her if she hadn't heard yet. I didn't have all the details yet, and I wouldn't have an idea how to tell her that her boyfriend hooked up with her ex-best friend. But then the other part of me was afraid to not tell her. What if she became mad at me like Brooke was when Brittney didn't tell her about Cody and I getting together? My worried thoughts were suddenly interrupted by my buzzing phone. I quickly picked up my phone and checked my notifications. To my surprise, I had received a text message from Brittney. The message read, 'Can I come over?? It's important!'. As soon as I read her text, I wondered if she had found out about Ashton. What else was so important that she would want to come over and talk to me right away? I waited a second before responding, 'Of course Britt, you know you're always allowed to come over!'. Just seconds later, Brittney thanked me and told me that she was on her way and that she had also told Angel to come. Oh shit. The fact that she wanted Angel here as well basically confirmed my suspicion that she found out about Ashton cheating on her. Angel had also went through almost the exact situation with Jason, and she too wanted revenge.
I was sitting in my shitty backyard, which had a gate around the small property. As soon as I heard a click from the gate, I automatically looked up and saw Britt and Angel walking and whispering as they noticed me. I gave Britt a weak smile as she approached. I know this must be hard for her, so she may not want to talk about it right now. She started to slowly smile at me and I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "I am so happy, I have the perfect idea!" Britt practically screeched. "Excuse me?" I said surprised that she wasn't on the same page as me. "Angel and I were discussing more ways to ditch Brooke, and we think that we should just spread a lie to everyone that would make them hate her". Britt did have a point, but I think she would agree with what I have in mind for the plan after what happened with Brooke and Ashton. "Britt, there's something that Cody told me and you're not going to be happy about this". Britt just stood there waiting for the explanation, clearly unable to react at the moment. "Ashton and Brooke hooked up", I blurted. As soon as they heard the words come out of my mouth, Angel and Brittney were entirely shocked. Angel stood in front of me, silently with her mouth wide open. I could tell that she was speechless and reminded of when Jason had hooked up with Brooke. Brittney stood completely still and silently for several seconds before I noticed tears building up in the corners of her eyes. I stared at her, unsure of what to say. She seemed as fragile as glass, like the smallest thing could break her. She tried to blink the tears away, but then they began flowing down her face, smearing her freshly applied makeup in the process. Angel and I exchanged quick glances before wrapping our arms tightly around her. I have to admit, I'm not a big hug person, but I knew that Brittney needed one. "Why did he hurt me like this?", Brittney whispered between short gasps for air,"He seemed so nice. So loving." I hugged Brittney tighter. "I thought the same thing about Jason", Angel muttered in a quiet voice. Brittney stopped crying for a second and looked into the distance. I could tell that she was thinking about something. I was about to say something when her pained expression changed to that of anger and she yelled,"This is all Brooke's fault! She seduced them both! She didn't even care about them, she just wanted to hurt us!" Angel and I tried to calm her down, but Brittney was too pissed off. "Brittney, you need to forget about him", I insisted as I looked deep into her eyes. Instead of agreeing with me, Brittney's eyes narrowed and she shook her head 'no'. "I understand Britt, I'm still not over Jason. I really think that... I loved him", Angel stuttered as a single tear rolled down her face. "It's not Ashton I'm worried about!", Brittney yelled with red fury in her eyes. Angel and I were a little taken aback by Brittney's anger, so we both backed away a few steps. "Don't you guys see, Brooke caused all of this! If it weren't for her, Angel and I would still be with Jason and Ashton, and we would be happy!", Brittney fumed, throwing her arms in the air. Brittney's words chilled me to the bones. She was right after all, Brooke was the one who hooked up with both of their boyfriends. And Brooke was a total bitch for everything that she has done. But I also realized that if it wasn't for me, Brooke probably wouldn't had done any of that. I sabotaged her and Cody's relationship, all because I wanted to be with him. And then I got together with him even when they were dating. If I had just let her be with Cody, maybe things would have been different. As all these startling thoughts coursed through my brain, I couldn't help but think that I was an even worse person than Brooke. "You're right Britt, this is all Brooke's fault!", Angel yelled in agreement with wide eyes,"And its time that we return the favor!". Brittney smiled at what Angel had said and turned towards me. I could tell that she wanted to know if I was still in on getting revenge on Brooke. Even though I had doubted myself shortly before, I realized that you can never be sure of what would happen if you had done things different and I felt that I couldn't blame myself for Brooke's actions. I shifted my eyes over to Britt. I desperately wanted to tell Britt to blame this whole situation on me, but that would only cause worse problems and confusion. "Yes, I'm totally in. Whatever it takes to bring this bitch down". They both gave me a mischievous look after we all agreed. Britt looked around while saying, "well then, we better get started".


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