Chapter 23

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My phone blinked, so I reached over checking the time after I finished cackling over a nasty joke Britt made up about Brooke. My eyes were watering, so I wiped my eyes so I could see clearer. The time read 4:00 am. School was starting in a week, so we were making the most of seeing each other and the summer. We spent our days walking around town, staying up late and checking our recents on our Brooke account. Murmurs of Angel and Britt starting a conversation about some upperclassman being chased by the police at a party were in the background. My mind was blocked by silent sounds of Britt and Sal as I read what I hoped that couldn't be possible. There was a dm from Roxy. I opened it cautiously, not knowing what to expect. As I read over Roxy's message, I could feel my jaw drop. Her message read, 'You should really disable this account right now. Sure, Brooke was an asshole to basically everyone, but that still doesn't give you the right to troll her on this account. Your posts are cruel and what you are doing is cyberbullying. You could get into massive trouble and you could hurt someone. So please shut down this fucking account or else you could be in some major trouble.' After reading the message I had become so angry that I lightly threw my phone across the room. Once they saw my phone fly through the air, Brittney and Angel quickly turned towards me and looked at me with concerned faces. "What the hell happened?", Brittney questioned loudly, her eyes squinted.  "Yeah, and are you okay?", Angel added with a concerned look visible across her face. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down while I picked up my phone which was on the floor on the other side of the room. I just couldn't believe Roxy was on Brooke's side of this, letting alone being a lame-ass bitch about the whole situation. Read this", I ordered as I reopened the dm from Roxy and handed my phone over to Brittney and Angel. "Is she fucking joking? Or is she actually serious?", Brittney exclaimed with anger as she read through the message. "Is she actually standing up for Brooke? After all that bitch has done?" Angel responded with pain residing in her eyes. We all remained silent while I angrily typed a reply to Roxy. I was thinking of the perfect response when my phone started buzzing. I checked who it was to see that it wasn't the person I exactly felt like talking to, especially in this moment. I picked it up anyway, just to see what this bitch wanted to say. "Hello" was all I could muster as I accepted the call. "Look, its better to talk about this in person, I don't want to ruin things with us" Roxy began. "There's nothing to talk about Rox, and if you have something to say just say it here", I said through gritted teeth. There was silence. A few seconds passes with this silence, it almost feels like hours. "What the fuck do you want?" I said clearly getting irritated. "Before you get pissed at me, I'm just going to say that what you guys did to Brooke is ruining her, and you may not realize what damage is going to be done". I rolled my eyes before responding, "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, so how about you leave us alone. We can figure this out", I yelled back at her. "Something you probably never done before". I quietly muttered under my breath. I thought she would quick respond to what I had just said, but all she said in a monotone voice was, "I'm coming over".   Although I wanted to tell her not to come, she ended the phone call before I had the chance. As I set down my phone on the bed, Brittney and Angel turned towards me with expecting looks. "What was that all about?", Angel questioned with a look of pure confusion. "Roxy said she's coming over... and not for a sleepover. She wants to talk about our account and thevbitch it's about", I responded quietly with bitterness lingering in my voice. "How is she still defending Brooke?", Brittney yelled, her voice booming furiously. "Probably because Brooke didn't do anything to her...", I muttered after realizing that Roxy clearly didn't understand the pain Brooke had inflicted upon us. "I guess you're right", Angel whispered as she let out a little yawn,"Brooke never hooked up with her boyfriend or spread rumors about her." I thought over what Angel had said. I knew she was right, but I still had to fight the urge to yell. After all, Roxy was our friend and she knew the awful things Brooke did to us. How could she possibly take her side?
It was nearly 5:00 am by the time we heard the sound of a car making its way up the driveway and approaching the house. We still hadn't gotten any sleep, and I knew we were all terribly tired. However, the sound of Roxy getting out of her car and locking it, brought us all some energy. We  were on edge, waiting for what would happen in just a few minutes when Roxy walked through the door. I did know that whatever would happen, it wouldn't be a friendly conversation.


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