The First Spark

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I hear the crackling again, that snapping sound that has plagued my head for the last three nights. I dread to close my eyes, even when I can convince myself that a cool black blanket will obstruct my vision I know that all I see will be those flames, dancing, dipping, swallowing her. I remember that night as if it were yesterday, for my cruel mind will not let me forget it.

Olivia was dancing, dancing in the flame, everyone told her not to touch that little pouch that she had just "found". We knew and I know she did too that that magic was red, and not just that red tinted violet that sometimes exchanges hands. This was real, this was pure. I guess she thought that she could tame the flames. I guess she thought she was special. "Well Olivia I don't remember your funeral, I don't remember your coffin, and I will never see your tombstone. You wanna know, why don't you Olivia, I think you know why... Death by fire is the ultimate shame in the Alliance. Everyone knows that nothing good can come out of playing with fire. So why did you do it then Olivia?" I whisper into my dark room, talking to the ghost living in my head. I guess that's the desire and unimaginable hunger for power that come with even touching red magic.

I open my mouth to speak again "I can't deal with this anymore, I need to sleep. Olivia, please understand, it's not that I want to forget you, it's just that I need to." I pause and quieter still I breathe, "But don't worry, I'll always remember the flames." With that I finish my final moments of mourning Olivia. I quickly tiptoe over to my bag, careful not to make a sound within the sleeping house. Delicately slipping my hand into the brown leather bag my fingers brush across an icy glass vial. I grasp it loving that sharp clarity that washes over me clearing away the thick warm fog that had enveloped me since the fire. I open the vial listening closely, eagerly, the click of glass obstructs that awful crackling. My hands greedily enter the glass, then as the silver magic curls up my around my fingers true clarity fills me and my ears are hit with the sweet song of silence.

I draw my fingers from the vile, a fine mask of glitter still coating them. Finally free from the shackles of my own memories I glide back toward the shadows that loom over my bed, I am giddy and light as a feather. Then; like a brick, sleep hits me and I feel myself fall into a deep dark pool. Falling, falling... As I sink deeper I notice how cool the water is. Blanketing me keeping my mind sharp while allowing my to give in. Then I feel the water thicken clouding my tired head. I am suspended in a cool gel, and I feel my mind slowly slipping away.

"Light... Bad..." I groan, rolling over in my bed. The sharp yellow light had managed to penetrate through my eyelids.

"Crystal, I'm glad to see you sleeping; But you have to get up!" The frustrated urgency in my mother's voice makes me shoot up out of bed. I throw on one of the shimmery silver smocks in my closet. Quickly I grabbed my satchel, pulling out my large bottle of white glitter. In one motion I take out a pinch of glitter, vividly imagining my outfit and through the magic into the air. I watch in awe as the glitter transforms into snowflakes before my eyes. As it drifts down I feel the icy kiss of each flake as it comes in contact with my skin.

My clothes and hair morph around me. The image of my mind becoming real on my form. As I feel everything settle I grab my bag and dash out the door.

"Eric! Wait up!" I sprint, trying to catch up with my friend. He doesn't even turn his head. "C'mon, I know you can hear me!" Eric speeds up his pace, taunting me. I put my head down and add a boost of energy to my run.

"Ow!" Whines Eric as I barrel into him.

"Sorry, I didn't realized you had stopped running" My voice is apologetic, although when I look up I see that there is a faint smirk on his face. "Ugh!" I gasp, punching his arm, " I can't believe you made me apologize!"

Eric raises his hands into the air and starts walking backwards, "Hey, I didn't make you apologize. You did it on your own, I'd say you're going soft." My face burns. I know the taunt shouldn't get to me so much, but it feels like a jab at my self-worth. Eric's laughing eyes change to concern as he reads the heat sparkling in my eyes. I know he cannot see me blushing, layers of anti-blush made sure of that. "Hey, Crystal. You know I was joking, you're as tough as diamonds." Eric says in an apologetic tone.

I raise my head a put a posed smirk on my face, "I don't need your sympathy" I say, my voice dripping with icicles as I attempt in vain to sound like the cool calculating warriors shown in the movies. Then, my cold mask cracks, and I have to hold my stomach as laughter bubbles out of me.

"I'll race you." Eric says

"Okay" I shout back at him as I speed off sticking my hand in my satchel, grabbing for my blue bottle of glitter.

"No magic!" Eric yells toward me, panting already.

"Alright you party pooper!" I grumble. Without the aid of magic I sprint for a second, then I fade into a jog as soon as I'm sure I've got the lead.

"Crystal! You passed her house!" Eric's voice jolts me out of the rhythm I'd fallen into 'Oh right Hazel' I think to myself, as I turn around and head back towards Hazel's house, I'm so distracted that I don't notice the little snag in the pavement. In seconds I am splayed on the ground, the purple band around my wrist begins flashing it's blue-violet light.

"Eric!" I shout "I think that I broke something." Immediately I feel the vibrations of feet beating against the ground. I look up at Eric is standing next to me with Hazel by his side. I am about to hoist myself up but then I make a strange discovery. "I can't move my leg." I mutter bewildered. The the pain, like fire runs down my spine, embracing my leg. Suddenly I'm gasping for air and warm tears are running down my face.

"Hazel run home, grab your family's emergency silver magic." Eric orders Hazel. Between sobs I tell them that I carry some in my satchel. Hastily Eric grabs the bottle and sprinkles it on my leg. I feel the ice forming around it and as my afflicted limb is fully surrounded by the magic. My bracelet slows down it's flashing, then returns to being a normal glittering band.

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