When the lights go out {part 2}

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"Hello Justin." I walked in quietly

"Mum?" He called.

"Yes honey it's me." I walked over to him.

"Mum I'm sorry, this was my fault I should've watch out, now look at us in hospital beds." Justin sobbed.

My heart fall into my stomach, my throat started to tighten and tears were flowing down my face.

"Do you think she is going to die? I need an honest answer." He cried again.

"To be honest I don't know but we have to put our trust in God.



"Ms/Mrs Y/M/L/N?" A doctor called my name.

"Yes! Is Y/N okay? Please tell me she is going to be all right." I sobbed holding on the doctors shoulder.

"Miss please calm down." The doctors held my hand.

"There is good news and bad news."

"Please tell me the good news." I sniffed.

"Well the good news is that she is going to live and that the surgery went very well just a broken leg.
The bad news is that it is estimated that Y/N is going to be in a coma for at least 4 - 6 weeks also due to the serious damage to her brain she will have amnesia." The doctor informed.

"Please may I see her at least a few words." I suggested.

"Yes you can I was going to suggest that anyway." The doctor gave a weak smile.

"Thank you." I walked into the room my precious daughter was laying down in.

I walked towards Y/N and saw her hand sticking out of the bed. I held her cold hand.

"Hi Y/N it's your mother. You probably can't hear me right now but I just want you to know that everyone is worried about you. Your brother called and he was crying for you. I haven't told your dad yet because he is on  a business trip and I didn't want to worry him too much. I saw Pattie and she was worried about you. I don't know about Justin but I'm sure that he is okay."


"Hi Y/N it's your mother.  You probably can't hear me right now but I just want you to know that everyone is worried about you. Your brother called and he was crying for you. I haven't told your dad yet because he is on a business trip and I didn't want him to worry about you too much. I saw Pattie and she is worried about you. I don't know about Justin but I'm sure that he is okay." 

After I heard mum say that I felt bad I should have hyped up to that song and told Justin to sing along with me. I wanted to wake up and tell my her everything is okay but I didn't try because I knew I was in a coma because I heard the doctors discussing it.

But I wondered how Justin was. After I had some thoughts on Justin I felt my soul being pulled out of body. Soon after I could see myself lying in a bed and my mum holding my hand.

"Hello." I heard a voice I didn't answer it because it was probably talking to my mum.

"Hello?" the voice said again.

Mum answer the person already.

"Y/N!" The Voice snapped.

I turned around and saw something or someone glowing in white.

"Who are you?" I asked scared.

"I'm your guardian angel, Angela.
I've been with you ever since birth." She informed.

"Okay cool." I said nodding.

"Good, now come with me." She commanded.

I followed my guardian angel into a room and then I saw Pattie sitting on a chair and Justin talking to her.

"So why are we are here?" I asked.

"Shh! And listen." Angela said.

"I just wish I was more careful I mean we were having so much fun I saw that smile on her face that I have always loved. It just hurts me to know that we were enjoying ourselves now we are here. To be honest I feel like I'm going to lose her."  When I heard Justin say all of this my eyes started to tear up.

"Okay let's go We have other things to do.''

Okay here is part 2 I hoped you guys liked it. And I will make a part 3.

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