Unplanned Escaped

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I noticed a lady sitting right next to me busily scrolling through her phone.

"Excuse me miss, where is this bus heading?" 

With perplexed look she answered "Uhm.. Baguio."

"BAGUIO?" Shouting my heart out and gaining almost everyone's sleepy glare.  

How on earth did I get here? Wasn't I supposed to be on a ride home?

Arthur! I knew it. Here comes my killer headache. Screw this hangover.

I reached out for my phone to call Arthur. And then the most unfortunate thing happened -my phone's battery is drained. 

Panic started to cover my body. I immediately check my pocket for my wallet and luckily I do have it.
"Thank goodness!"

With much anticipation I looked to see if i have cash on it.
If this is a horror film, my current moment would be the scariest part.

"A thousand pesos? I only have one thousand pesos in my wallet? Are you kidding me?!"

"Excuse me?" The girl beside me asked then glared.

"I'm sorry but can I borrow your phone just for a minute? It's urgent."
Without hesitation I snatched her phone and dialed Arthur's number.

"Sorry you do not have enough load in your account to make this call. "

" I don't have a load, jerk! " She then took her phone back and faced to the opposite direction.

I ignored her rage and focused on thinking for fast solutions that will get me out of this situation.

First, I need to contact Arthur. Another idea popped up in my head.

"Excuse me miss, I'm sorry but can I perhaps borrow your phone again and place my sim card instead?"

She turned to face me and just as she was about to speak, I snatched her phone and hurriedly change her sim card with mine.

I can feel her flaming gaze but I chose to ignore it. I'll deal with her later. Maybe.

After a few rings, Arthur finally pick up.

"Bro, what were you thinking?!"

"Well hello to you too James brother!"

"Arthur, I'm dead serious right now. Why am I on a bus going to Baguio?"

"You are?!" Silence. What's wrong with him? Is he still drunk? "Oh yeah, you are!"

"Yes I am and I'm positive that you were the one who did this!"

"Oh yes I did!" His cheerful voice triggered more annoyance in my being. 

"What were you guys thinking?! I'm supposed to be at home doing more important stuff." I protested.

"Important stuff like crying in your bed all day and thinking about your ex while sketching more blue prints? Chill out bro, you need to relax." 

"I can't relax right now bro. I still need to finish an important project by the end of this month plus, deadline is coming."

"That's the problem with you bro, you never have the luxury of time for yourself. You're always loaded with excuses. Which I think why she..." 

"Bro don't start." I knew where this is going and now is not the time for that. But maybe he's right. "Why the heck do I only have a thousand pesos right now?"

"Oh. Yeah. About that. I originally placed three thousand for your extra cash but when Kent and Lee asked you for their fare you gave them one thousand each, plus your credit card."

"What?! My credit card as well? Damn it!" I was taken aback by a cold hand that snatched the phone from me. "Excuse me?"

"Excuse me your face! This is my phone and you don't have the right to use it!" She threw back my sim card and went back to her former position. 

What can I do with a thousand pesos? How am I suppose to eat? Where can I stay, on the streets? Should I just go back home? But should I give myself a chance to experience Baguio at least?

Nausea's coming back and I decided to just rest for a bit. I'll decide as soon as I arrive at Baguio.

I'm caught up with what Arthur said. Maybe he's right. Maybe its one of the reasons why she left. Maybe I'm too busy for her. Maybe I don't have time for her. Maybe I'm too distant from her. Maybe... Maybe I'm just over thinking. Maybe Arthur's still  drunk. Maybe he's just being his crazy self again. Yeah he is. Maybe.

I don't know if this is insomnia or her face just keeps on appearing every time I close my eyes involuntarily which keeps me awake.  

I tried to ignore the inviting vibe to doze off and just appreciate the wonderful scenery outside. 

I can see that we're already approaching to a high point of the mountain we are now. I never thought that the breeze here is this cold although I've heard stories about it before. Different plants growing everywhere and anywhere, high trees all over and the wonderful sight of houses and establishments from below. 

The sun is already rising and I can feel my stomach churning. "I'm starving." 

The lady beside me twisted facing my direction, with her sleepy eyes she tried to look at me. She might be checking if this jerk is still here. Well... 

"Sorry but do you have any food with you?" Her eyes wide opened  in disbelief. "I'm really sorry to ask, I just really need a food right now. Don't worry I'll..." I paused and remembered that I don't have money to offer a payment. "I'll... I... ah... ahm... I'll..." 



Sorry to keep you waiting guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter is on it's way. 

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