Operation: Shelter Hunting

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I was awaken by the cold droplets hitting my face and realized that it's pouring. I checked the time and it's already quarter to four in the afternoon. "Shoot!" I ran to the nearest dry area and waited for the rain to stop.

That's enough relaxation for the day.

I received a text message from Arthur, a message that almost drained the remaining liter of hope in my body.

"Yo dude, you have to buy your ticket as soon as possible because trips going back here are usually packed." 

That text message was sent two hours ago so the "ASAP" that was expected is two hours late. 

I headed straight to the bus terminal despite the pouring rain hoping that there's still a slot for me. 

Luckily there is -for tomorrow. 


Another award winning moment for Mr. Lucky. So basically I don't have a choice but to buy a ticket and wait for tomorrow's trip home. 

For now all I need is food and a place to sleep. My remaining money is around three hundred pesos. Obviously I can't avail a room but I can buy a meal for sure. I just hope it'll be enough till tomorrow morning. The chairs here are fine maybe I could just spend the night and rest before my trip tomorrow. 

I approached a lady guard asking if there's a near cheap place to eat, surprisingly there are and it's all just a couple of blocks away from here. 

I took my time roaming around the area choosing from many different restaurants but only one caught my attention. 

I entered this bar & restaurant that's offering cheap meals plus one free bottle of beer.  I came in early so as expected there aren't any customers yet except me. I ignored that thought out of hunger and just proceed with my plan. Eat. 

This place has a nice view of the surroundings from outside. It's a good thing I arrived while the place is still quiet and peaceful. 

Relaxing with a beer on hand at a cold and pleasant place is just perfect. I just wish I could share this with someone. I wish I could share this with her. 

I'm trying to conserve my beer so hard that I barely sip from it just so I could stay a little longer without spending that much.

I remembered when my ex, Jean and I had a similar situation back when we were still together. We went on an unplanned road-trip heading to Tagaytay and she invited me to Starbucks saying that she'll be paying. She told me that I can order anything I like and so I had my favorite cappuccino in venti size. At the very moment we're about to pay she remembered that she left her wallet so I have no choice but to spend my last cash. 

We shared that single drink the whole night trying to prolong it's existence. Despite the circumstances we enjoyed each other's company while creating colorful memories.   


It's already around seven and the place is starting to be filled by people. I remained on my seat trying to maintain my cool aura. 

Almost half an hour passed and I can sense some eyes are on me, well thankfully those are lady's eyes. A group of three friends approached me asking if I can join them. Without hesitations I joined in and they started offering me more free drinks and finger foods. 

I think I'm starting to enjoy the night thanks to this fine ladies. 

Cheers to the epic adventure and to the free drinks!

I let myself enjoy the rest of the night dancing and drinking nonstop. I haven't felt this free for a long time.  It sure feels good, Arthur is right. This is the time of my life!


"Excuse me Sir? It's already nine in the morning, we have to open the store. We are respectfully asking you to leave so we can clean." An unfamiliar sweet voice woke me up from my dreamless sleep. 

I'm a bit light-headed and it took me a moment to realize that I slept on the floor. 

"I'm really sorry miss but may I know the time?" I started stretching  and checking for my phone and wallet.

"Sir it's around nine in the morning." 

"What?!" Shoot. I'm late for my trip home and now my wallet and phone are missing!

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