Sticky Notes

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"Dangsin-eun?" There she goes again with that -only a kpop fan knows language.

"Anong sabi mo?" I replied with annoyance in my tone. (Translation: What did you say?)

She shut me a confused and irritated look. She called Mr. Kim's attention and asked what I was talking about in their language.

"Eun, he was asking about what you've said." She can understand English? "And will you please refrain from using our language when talking to him."

"James, don't fall for her trick. Eun is just pretending, in order to escape making conversation with people but she's actually a flight attendant with great English speaking skills." Mr. Kim explained playfully.

"Dad, will you please stop talking nonsense, he doesn't have to know my life's biography. Plus, it's not "great" just good." Eun with her usual sarcastic and annoyed tone.

"Oh and James, please be patient with her. She's really ill-tempered because up till now she's single." Mr. Kim ended with a wink.

"Dad!" Eun blurted.

Mr. Kim and I shared laughter while Eun throw daggers with her eyes.

"By the way Mr. Kim, how were you able to convince the tourist guide?"

"Easy, I told her you're my son who lives here."

"She bought that?"

"Of course! Why not? With my acting skills I doubt she won't." Mr. Kim's wittiness amused me but I can see that her daughter is used to it cause she just rolled her eyes.

Mr. Kim and I continued our conversation while Eun went back to her reading. Knowing that she can speak the same language as mine gives me more confidence to talk to her. I hope she won't brush me off and besides I just want to befriend her.

A few moments later, we arrived at the Mines View Park. One of Baguio's well-known attractions where visitors are given a grand view of the gold and copper mines of Benguet.

This place is absolutely marvelous. How I wish I could have this kind of view from the window of my room back in manila.

I can see Mr. Kim and his wife enjoying their moment while there daughter is nowhere to be seen. Probably at the furthest corner of this place reading.

"Mr. Kim, do you know where Eun is? She's missing out this great scenery."

"Oh don't worry about her, she probably have seen greater places all over the globe. Stuff like this bored her."

"But isn't this your family bonding?"

"Well yes, but she enjoys going to coffee shops and reading books more than spending time with us so we just let her be. Besides, she's old enough to handle herself. Maybe that's just how it is when they're grown ups." He displays a sad smile. "Your mom is lucky to have a son who still visits her often despite the distance and all the busyness."

I just smiled in response. I guess so.

We stayed a few more minutes before our guide called everyone's attention asking all of us to go back.

Mr. Kim together with his wife asked me to go get Eun.

"But I don't know where she is Mr. Kim."

"She's probably at the coffee shop I saw when we came in. I think it's just by the front gate. Go ask some locals if you're unsure. Off you go." Mr. Kim ordered nicely.

Is he even sure if his daughter is really there? What if she's actually roaming around, do I have to search the whole place?

I went to see if there's really a coffee shop where Mr. Kim pointed, surprisingly there is. I came in to check if eun is in there.

I was looking around the whole place and Eun is nowhere to be found but I saw this available table with a note stuck on it.

"Dear Mr. Right,  I've been waiting for you for a couple of years now. When we'll I meet you? When will you be ready?

P.S If you are, please notify me in my social media accounts.

Yours truly,
Ms. Right"

I was dumbfounded by the note and the person who abruptly took it from me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Her flaming cheeks made me step back a little. "You don't have the right take things that aren't yours!" She placed the note back on top of the table and storm out of the shop.

I went to follow her and there I saw Mr. Kim and her wife waiting for me just outside the shop.

"James, what happened to Eun? She looks really annoyed." Mr. Kim asked in confusion.

"I'm not sure Mr. Kim but,  I kinda invaded her privacy." I can feel my cheeks flushing. I'm not sure if this situation is embarrassing for Eun and I or just hers but it sure is funny for me.

"How so?"

"Well, I saw her sticky note..." My statement wasn't finish yet when Mr. Kim cut in.

"Oh her sticky notes! Boy,  you are in trouble."

"Why? What do you mean?"

"Those sticky notes are her precious possession that became an obsession. She's been doing that sticky note thing ever since she started traveling. She always leave notes addressing to her Mr. Right -no one knows who- at every coffee shop in any country or places."

"But don't you think that's risky? She's giving out her personal information such as her social media accounts."

"Yes of course it is and I already warned her about that and even asked her to stop when she started receiving malicious messages from random people in the internet."

"Then why is she still doing it anyway?"

"Well her stand was, her Mr. Right will be the only decent guy who will be messaging her in the future which will make it easier for her to spot him."

"I'm sorry but that is the most absurd idea I've ever heard."

"Tell me about it. I hate to admit it but her idealism is going overboard. At her age, being that idealistic is so inappropriate. Although I couldn't blame her for she never had a boyfriend ever since."

"So you just let her be?"

"Yes, if I insist my command she won't listen to me anyway." Mr. Kim exhaled in surrender. "Never mind her, let's just hope for the best and that she won't break her heart in the process."

I just smiled in response. It's not my business anyway. I'm out of that matter.

"Come on!" Mr. Kim held my shoulder leading me to our bus.


Eun is already settled at her seat, reading quietly as usual.

Should I apologize? Why would I, isn't it that it's for any person to see? I am one of that "any person". Although I still feel guilty, she must be really embarrassed.

"Eun?" I whispered to her.

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