Proluge: How do i look?

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Another book, TordEdd, Lol, Anyway, Your asking 'Why?' Because I wanted to damnit >:D anyway, Enjoy this chapter at 12:08 am!

"Edd, Stop." "What?" "Slumping like your actually TRYING to break your damn back." Edd was having his spine probably cracked open because he was slumping on the couch. "Your gonna break it-" "I seriously don't give any shits, Tom." "Well you should!" He cried, worriedly. Edd gave a cold glare at Tom. Before looking back at the Tv which was lagging. "Anyway, Me and Matt are going because he wants more cigars... Tord's gonna be staying here. Don't break him..!" Tom says as he starts exciting. "Bye bye, Bitch!" Edd says in a warm voice. Tom leaves.

Edd was with fork hair now, great. Edd sighs as he gets up, stretching his back. He walks to see where Tord is. No surprise, when he found him, he was standing and looking at himself. Edd clears his throat, Tord somehow didn't hear and edd raised his voice." Yo, Fork hair!" He turns around. "Oh, Hello, Edd!" He says, welcoming. "So, how do I look anyway? I was just looking to see--" Edd puts his figure on Tord's mouth, shushing him. "Shh..shh... Hear that?"
It was silent. Dead silent. You could probably hear people outside with birds. "Hear what-" "that's how many fucks I give, Tord. That's how many I give, about your fucking looks." Tord stayed silent, Edd thought he made it insanely clear.

"O...Oh, Okay..." Tord says, Sounding like he was gonna cry or sob. Edd didn't seem to notice. "Good!" He smiles, he starts walking away.


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