1: Break down

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Oh my god I got too many views and votes on one chapter what the fu-
Anyway, Here is a chapter! After a million years!!! Enjoy!

As Edd walked out he swore he heard the door slam behind him, he whipped his head around to see the door just nearly fall off its hinges, He raised a brow. Was Tord mad? He sighs. "Whatever.." He starts walking off until he heard loud sobbing, Completely cutting him off guard.

Tord backed into the corner as he sobbed more and more, He could just hear himself sobbing and loud voices, yelling and screaming at him. He just felt pain go through his arms and legs and eventually to his heart, which was just breaking.

He knew Edd wouldn't care about the sobbing... Well, he thought he wouldn't. "FUCKS SAKE STOP TRYING, TORD!" One voice screeched, pretty much making him sob and become more horrid.

Edd went to the door and started knocking, very fast. "Tord?!" He managed to say loud enough, He tried opening the door but he locked it. 'YA FUCKING SERIOUS?!' He thought, frustrated and worried. He immediately starts smacking with both his fist at the door. "TORD!!!!" He started yelling.

Tord couldn't hear him though, all he could hear was just the voices and screaming. His head started hurting a lot now.
Edd kept banging at the door, now brutally terrified. "TORD, OPEN UP!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?? OPEN UP!!!" He screams as he kept trying to open the door.

He then started kicking at the door, trying to budge it. Tord looks up at the door, eyes bloodshot and tears still streaming down like a waterfall that just had been allowed to flow to the bottom..

He saw the door being banged and moving, he thought it was maybe Tom... But he could just be seeing things. He looks over at the desk...

A fresh knife just calling for him, Just saying it constantly

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