4: Tv

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It's been a while, hasn't it?? Yeah, I know, I'm gonna just update this so I don't get spammed more. Uhh, Also, This will have fluff most likely. Enjoy ^^

Edd was on the couch, He didn't want to go out and yell in the streets 'MATT AND TOM YOU GAY BOYO'S GET BACK HOME RIGHT NOW YOUR TAKING TOO LONG!' But since it was cold and he'd rather stay inside, He didn't. He had just a blanket on him, while sitting up, just watching static. He didn't really feel bothered to get the remote, he knew he was being lazy, but he didn't really give two shits. He heard a door open, he knew Tord was still home so he knew it could be Tord. It just had to be. He took his eyes off the TV and saw Tord, just sorta peaking around the corner. As soon as he saw him though, Tord immediately went back behind the corner.

Edd raised a brow, he got up and walked to the kitchen, he knew the corner Tord was by was already near the kitchen, you just had to turn. House was shit, okay? He peaked around the corner and saw Tord, scratching his chin. Edd went up behind Tord and spread his arms out, Tord wasn't looking back so that gave an opportunity. He quickly wraps his arms around Tord's stomach. "Hey, I already saw you." Edd says, chuckling. Tord, being startled, immediately shacks and squirms. After he realised it was Edd, he stopped. "Heh, Didn't expect that?" Edd asks, smiling. Tord gulps. "Uhh...no..."

Edd pats his head. "Well I did, also, what are you doing out your room?" Edd asks, now curious. "Uh...I..Was bored..." Tord mutters. "Well then, that explains myself being staring at static." Edd replies

Cliff hanger, lmao

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