3. Pea sandwiches

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{Warning! Slight swearing ahead}

Also I thought it would be funny to have both Anne's and Ashlynn's Walmart outfits presented together, so here's another edit:

Also I thought it would be funny to have both Anne's and Ashlynn's Walmart outfits presented together, so here's another edit:

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Chapter 3: Pea Sandwiches

Daniel chuckled at my exaggerated eye-roll. I was learning that he was more of a child than Anne, with this being the fourth chocolate bar he dropped in the cart that I was pushing within the last minute.

Speaking of, Anne has been missing ever since we entered. She darted off to the fruits section and was never seen since. Danny was concerned for a while, but he shrugged it off once he saw me casually grabbing a cart - dismissing this as her usual behavior.

"She's wired like a boomerang," I joke, leading him to the candies aisle. "She'll find us,"

So then started the chocolate dumping and sugar-filed cereal grabbing, which did not decrease in intensity even when I huffed and glared at him. When I would comment, he would just wink and say that he needs to spoil his in-laws. And new wife.

"Think of it as our version of a honeymoon," he says.

"You posing as the wanna-be Easter bunny? Very entertaining,"

He laughs at that, and I have to hide my smile when he turns to grab more starbursts packets. For some reason the thought of him buying candy for Anne makes me deliriously happy - that and the fact that my mother would have a fit if, heaven forbid, anything with excess sugar enters her house.

And this is how we continue our very tropical so-called honeymoon - him walking along in Walmart, grabbing junk food, while periodically calling Anne, and me dragging the shopping cart behind him. Not that I minded. The shirt did fit his back really well - I never thought I'd say this, but Ruby was right when she said he was super-hot and lean.

He suddenly stops in front of me, causing the cart to crash into him, and my flip-flops to make a horrible screeching sound on the polished floors. He turns to look at me with such a panicked expression, I start to worry if I said the previous thought out loud.

"My girlfr-uh, ex-girlfriend is at the end of the aisle," he whispers, strained.

Now, in the handful of books that I've read, I've come across the expression that the character's eyes go 'as wide as saucers'. I've always dismissed this phrase to be a complete exaggeration, up until this moment. Because I'm pretty sure that my eyes were fine china status right here, with my gaping mouth obviously making me all the more attractive.

"What?" I whisper even though I heard him.

I hear the tell-tale sound of the wheels of a shopping cart moving.

Towards us.

Dan grabs a cereal box and pretends to read the back, his shoulders very tense. His eyes skim the text so fast it's unreal.

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