Hair Dye - Jyatt

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Written By: Megan :D!
Edited By: Sam :')


Jaeden walked into the unfamiliar story he knew barely anything about, after meeting a girl who was considered a 'bad girl' he wanted nothing more than to simply impress the girl who he barely just met, as weird as it sounded she LOVED hair dyes.

Jaeden wasn't all for the idea of dying his hair, because he didn't want it to exactly all fall out, considering the circumstances and the things he's heard that has happened to others hair, but he really wanted this girl, She made him feel welcomed.

So as Jaeden walked into the hair dye salon his eyes met with a curly headed boy, and for some reason the boy felt his heart tingle slightly and jump as the boy made his way over to Jaeden, smiling as his dimples popped out, which was adorable.

"Hi, You're a new face. Well, I'm Wyatt. What are you interested in today?", The boy asked kindly, His voice was smooth and high pitched, It matched his looks and made the boy more unique, Jaeden could already feel his cheeks heat up at just the talking of the boy.

"O-Oh, Well. I want it to be any color really, anything that suits me as long as it doesn't make my hair fall out.", Jaeden was shrugging, His cheeks were coated over with a slight blush of crimson as Wyatt just eyed him up and down, Which made Jaeden feel self conscious, Was he too ugly or something?

"Okie Dokie!", Wyatt finally spoke and grabbing Jaeden's hand, pulling him towards the chair that was placed neatly in the corner of the room, Jaeden found himself sliding his fingers between Wyatt's and interlocking their hand, as weird as it sounded Jaeden felt more passion than he did with the girl he originally came to impress.

Wyatt pushed Jaeden into the chair lightly as he fumbled inside the drawer of supplies, pulling out a slick black apron like thing, He walked over to Jaeden and neatly placed it around his neck, tying it loosing in the back of Jaeden's neck, Jaeden noticed how Wyatt bit his lip while tying it, concentrating.

"Well, what's your name?", Wyatt asked as he put his foot to the pedal that was under the spinning chair, Which caused the chair to slide down and for Jaeden to jump slightly and go down with it as Wyatt started to wet his hair. "Jaeden.", Jaeden finally answered simply.

"Jaeden's a nice name.", Wyatt said as he bit his lip and narrowed his eyes while taking away the water bottle, taking out a packet of hair dye, He seemed to know what he was doing unlike Jaeden, but of course he knew what he was doing, because he worked at a hair salon and this is what he expected actually.

Jaeden felt his face heat up as Wyatt cupped Jaeden's face, turning his head gently and removing his hand, Wyatt opened the packet and added some kind of gel, and then the hair dye, Jaeden caught of glimpse of the color, Which was a vibrant blue with dark blue, to make it darker than it originally was.

Jaeden winced when Wyatt started to add the cold hair dye to his hair, slicking his gloved hands threw Jaeden's hair, It felt good to say the least, the feeling of fingers going through your hair and the feelings of just Wyatt running his fingers through his hair, as weird as it sounded Jaeden wasn't afraid about dyeing his hair anymore.

Jaeden looked up at Wyatt as he put the plastic hair net like thing over Jaeden's head, Jaeden felt his head tingle slightly with the hair dye as he looked up at Wyatt, Wyatt looked down at him and smiled, "You'll be here for a bit, so the color can start to fade in, but until then I have to go dye some other people's hair before they get angry or such."

Wyatt said as he scurried off to another costumer that had just walked in. Jaeden smiled lightly to himself at the thought of the curly headed boy, Maybe he didn't exactly need to impress the girl when he now had the bright smile and dimples, the curly hair, and cute face in his mind now.

Maybe he can come back for another reason, but Wyatt probably had somebody he's dating, because Who doesn't want to date that cutie? He's perfect in so many ways and so delicate, He's an angel and Jaeden swore he was in heaven for a bit while he was around the boy who he now adored.

Jaeden set his head back into the head rester of the chair and sighed contently, He never imagine meeting such a wonderful boy at a place like this, He never even imagined walking into a place like this because of some petty crush he tried to change himself for, because now he's got this lovable boy.

Maybe in the future if the get closer Jaeden might ask the boy out, but until then he just has to have the boy at least as his best friend, because damn he's sure he'll never meet someone as adorable and lovable than the boy he met as the hair dye

And in the future he did ask the boy to date him, and maybe the boy said yes as they both held hands and walked to Jackson street just off to the south of their beautiful town, So what Jaeden never got the girl he originally wanted to have, He managed to even get something way better than what he could have got if he didn't meet the curly headed boy.

Life without the curly headed noodle boy seemed to be the world Jaeden never wanted to exist, or even live in. He would rather die than live in a world without Wyatt Jess Oleff.

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