Godlike - Reddie

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This was rushed
(Megan didn't write or edit this because I didn't tell her I was even gonna write)


Eddie turned around, His white sweater flowing in the wild cold wind as he shut the door to his mother's car. Shivering and cold the boy looked up at the all so familiar church he went to every Sunday.

His mother was around the car and behind him in seconds, wrapping her arm around Eddie's small body and comforting the baby like boy she adored, or seemed to.

She stepped forward and took the boy towards the church door entrance, smiling brightly at the priest that stood near the door too, Eddie smiled at the priest too.

Eddie's eyes caught his boyfriend's eyes however, and the fact that the church did not believe in homosexuality going to heaven made Eddie shiver, but smile at Richie.

Both boys attended a catholic private school just off the next street to their church, and started dating last year, but kept it hidden from everyone around them, especially the pastor.

Eddie smiled as his mom took a seat in the pew, sitting to the left before looking at Eddie and scoring down, Eddie slid in besides her.

As the choir started to sing, Eddie kept feeling someone poke him from the small open part of the pew, and that made him jump every time but he tried to keep his eyes focused, knowing who it is.

After a while of constant poking Eddie turned around to face Richie, his boyfriend who smiled widely at the sight of Eddie and pointed to the back of the church, where the restrooms were located.

Eddie shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows, knowing no way in hell could he miss a second of church or his mom would get mad at him, but when he saw Richie pucker his lips lightly he wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

Eddie sighed and turned around, facing his mother who kept her gaze on the priest near the alter, "Can I go to the restroom mom? I won't be long. I promise."

Eddie's mom faced him and hesitated before nodding, She quickly turned back to the front however as Eddie exited the pew, following after Richie in a rush.

As soon as Richie reached the restrooms, he opened the door and Eddie scurried under his arm into the door, and Richie went in right after Eddie and shut the door, locking it.

As soon as the door snapped close, Eddie was slammed against the cold tile walls, hands on his waist and soft lips on his, reaching his hand up to tug at Richie's hair.

"I've missed kissing you.", Richie hissed into the kiss, loving the feeling of kissing Eddie and kept it going, slowly picking the boy off the floor.

Eddie wrapped his legs around Richie's small waist and they stayed like that, kissing Richie and then they both pulled back.

"We have to go back now.", Eddie said and pouted, watching Richie giggle quietly and then roll his eyes.

"Okay. I'll see you in the school restrooms on Monday.", Richie said and winked before he left the restroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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