Candy Mix - Jyatt

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Edited by: Megan
Written By: Sam


Jaeden watched as Wyatt threw the bags of candy onto the ground, Some bags slighting causing the plastic bag to fall over, candy bags laying on the floor.

"Hey Wyatt, Shouldn't we be starting already?", Jaeden asked in his sweet honey smooth like voice, He watched as the corner of Wyatt's lip tugged up gently.

"I guess so.", Wyatt said kindly. He was gentle with his words around Jaeden, and he never tried to upset the boy. "We were supposed to start yesterday, and my mom will probably flip if we don't hand out candy to the trick or treaters."

Jaeden nodded and what Wyatt said, He was correct, because Wyatt's mom was kind and always tried to hand out candy on Halloween, even if the candy was expensive.

Wyatt sighed as he bent down, picking up the candy bags and putting them back into the plastic bag, which looked like it was fixing to fall apart with all the heavy candy weighing it down.

Wyatt handed Jaeden a bag, and watched as the boy's arm slightly tugged down when he grabbed it, "Its heavy, Wy. You could have at least warned me."

Wyatt smiled at Jaeden's comment, and started to head towards the kitchen area of where they usually made the candy mix, considering Jaeden came over almost every Halloween to Wyatt's house.

"This might take a while, Jae. So we better just start now.", Wyatt's eyes were averted down to the bag as he spoke, placing down the bag gently. Jaeden set down his bag next to Wyatt, knowing almost instantly what to do.

Jaeden grabbed the bag by the bottom, tugging away the bag that held each bag of candy and watched the candy bags sprawl onto the counter, He looked over at Wyatt, who had bent down to get a bowl.

Jaeden looked back down and started to tear the bags open, waiting for Wyatt as he set the big empty bowl down between the two of them, His eyes catching Jaeden's.

Jaeden felt heat rise to his cheeks as he nervously poured the candy into the bag, Which followed suit with other kinds of candy kids might like in the boy's opinions, They didn't know all to well, considering they were both 14.

Wyatt pulled out the cabinet just under the counter, fumbling with utensils before bringing out a large wooden spoon.

He dipped the spoon into the candy, and started to mix, the different assorts of candy mixed nicely, creating a beautiful mix of bright colors and tasty treats.

Jaeden watched in awe, because he always loved the way the colors mixed, and he definitely loved the taste of the mix, and he especially loved making the mix with his best friend.

Jaeden smiled as Wyatt took the spoon out of the mix, looking up and smiling at Jaeden, who smiled back, "I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind if you took a small bag of candy, I know you like Candy, Jae."

Jaeden smiled lightly at Wyatt's comment, because Wyatt knew just what he liked, and that made him smile, because most people forgot what he liked, maybe it's because he never shared what he liked with anyone besides Wyatt.

Jaeden smiled to himself as Wyatt leaned over the counter slightly, ripping a small plastic translucent bag from the box, which held the other plastic zip lock bags.

Wyatt grabbed a handful of candy, and hovered his hand over the bag, Jaeden watched it fall into the bag, and watched as Wyatt zipped up the bag, handing to Jaeden who took it gently.

"Now we can hand it out.", Wyatt said to Jaeden, who just nodded meekly, He only talked when he found it necessary and Wyatt respected that, He respected Jae.

Wyatt grabbed the bowl of candy, and checked the clock, He noticed it was only 8:15, and the trick or treating began around 9, which left the boys some time to their selves before they had to hand out candy.

"Wanna watch a movie, actually.", Wyatt turned to Jaeden as he set the bowl of candy back down, Jaeden was hesitant about it, "What kind of movie in particular?"

Wyatt smiled, "Any kind you want to watch, Jae."

Jaeden smiled, nodding. He didn't know if Wyatt would like what he wanted to watch, because Jaeden was like a child, He liked animated movies, while Wyatt liked movies like Stand By Me and My Girl.

Jaeden quickly followed Wyatt into the other room however, and watched as Wyatt sat down on the one seated couch chair. He didn't want to admit it but he wanted to sit next to Wyatt.

Jaeden thought for a moment before heading over to Wyatt, plopping down right onto Wyatt's lap, which made Wyatt giggled and wrap his arms around Jaeden's waist, "You're heavy, Lay off the sweets."

Jaeden rolled his eyes at Wyatt's overreacting and giggled, Watching as Wyatt started to flick through the channels with Jaeden curled up in his lap.

'This Halloween isn't so bad', Jaeden thought to himself as Wyatt stopped at The nightmare before Christmas, A movie both him and Wyatt enjoyed.

Jaeden didn't really get to watch the movie, though. His eyes were focused on Wyatt the whole time, He didn't know why but he felt butterflies feel his stomach, this wasn't a normal thing for Jaeden.

Jaeden just shrugged it off as him maybe being sick, or maybe he had managed to just catch a cold, or some feelings.

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