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"Rock beats scissors," Charlie argued with a silly grin on his face. I laughed and shoved his shoulder playfully.

"Well I'm a girl and ladies go first," I remarked and he rolled his eyes, laughing.

"That's a dumb rule," he flopped down on his bed as I gathered up my things for a shower. We'd probably been arguing for a good 10 minutes now about who took the first shower.

I turned back to him with a smug smile on my face.
"I'll be quick," I stated. He looked up at me, obviously unconvinced.
"Maybe," I added with a small smile.

He shook his head, smiling and I walked into the bathroom to shower. Taking a shower in a tour bus, I'd found out, was not the easiest task. Especially when the bus is moving. And since we were on the road to Las Vegas, we were going to be driving all night. Not stopping in a hotel.

I washed up and took off my makeup before putting on some spandex shorts with a tank top and sports bra for pajamas. I brushed through my wet hair then walked out back to my bed.

Charlie was laid out across his bed on his phone. He glanced up at me.

"It's about damn time," he remarked and looked up at me to see my reaction.

I shot him an annoyed look and he grinned with satisfaction.

"Kidding," he said and watched as I plopped down on my bed.

I scoffed. He stood up and headed into the bathroom, leaving his sleeping shirt on the bed. I grabbed it and walked to the bathroom.

I knocked.
"You forgot something," I said and the door opened, revealing a shirtless Charlie with messy hair. My eyes trailed from his to his chiseled abdomen. I quickly blinked and looked back up at him, handing him the shirt.

He took it and smirked down at me, our faces too close for my liking.
"You're welcome to join me," he remarked slyly and nodded towards the shower.

My cheeks got hot and I bit my lip, smiling.
"I'll have to pass," I said and he shrugged.

"Your loss," he replied. I playfully shoved his bare shoulder and shut the door. He laughed to himself behind the closed door.

I headed back to the bed and flopped down on mine, stomach flat against the mattress. I laid there for a while until I heard the shower stop and Charlie came back in. He wore the shirt I brought him and some basketball shorts.

I glanced back at him over my shoulder.

"It's about damn time," I mocked him in my best Charlie voice. He gave me a look and I grinned innocently.

"Hardee har," he said and looked at me for a moment before sitting down on his bed opposite me. He took off his shirt and laid down on his bed on top of the sheets. It's almost as if he was teasing me by revealing his care chest for me to constantly be distracted by. And he calls me a distraction.

I sigh and get under my covers, rolling over. Charlie stands up and switches off the light. In the complete darkness, I feel one side of my bed droop down, as if someone had sat down behind me.

"Charlie, go away," I say without opening my eyes or even turning to face him. I feel him place a hand on either side of me, now hovering above me. I rolled over on my back and felt his face near mine. My heart started beating harder and I couldn't even see him, but I felt his chest near mine.

I then felt his warm breath on my ear as if he had leaned down. His lips grazing my jawline, he whispered softly in my ear.

"Sweet dreams," then he got off my bed and I heard him climb into his bed. My heart was still pounding and I took a deep breath, rolling back over to face the wall and away from Charlie. My eyelids closed and I slowly drifted off to sleep, still thinking about what just happened.
I woke up the next morning to the sound of someone walking around the bus. I opened my eyes and saw Charlie glance at me from his position standing near my bed.

"Morning," he said with a small smile. He knew what he did last night. I knew what he did. It wasn't a dream, was it?

"I um, we made it to the hotel if you want some breakfast," he nodded to the front of the bus.

He barely looked ready himself. He was still in his pajamas and had a bad case of bed hair.

"You're not going out like that, are you?" I teased him and smiled. He smoothed out his shirt and put his hands on his hips playfully.

"Well, maybe I am," he remarked. I smiled and he returned it.

I sat up and checked my social medias. There were lots of tags on twitter telling me that people would be at the show tonight. I smiled to myself and decided to get dressed for the day, at least before the concert.

I cast a glance at Charlie, who was sitting on his bed on his phone. I cleared my throat to get his attention. His hazel eyes met my blue ones.

"I'm going to change," I told him.

He just stared at me.

"I'm going to change," I said, slower this time, and he rolled his eyes, standing up.

"Opening acts, these days," he muttered as he walked out. I rolled my eyes and smirked as I shut the door quickly, hitting him on the ass as he walked out.

"Hey!" I heard him scream and I laughed, making sure to lock the door.

I changed into a flannel shirt with a tank top underneath, slightly revealing my chest and some ripped short denim shorts. I put on my combat boots and threw my hair up into a messy bun before walking out to see Charlie who had fixed his hair and was waiting for me to change so he could get out of his pajamas.

He came back out in some slightly ripped denim jeans and a simple white shirt with some white tennis shoes.

"Ready, Princess?" I teased and smiled smugly at him.

He glared at me.
"I could ask the same, frog," he remarked and walked past me. I punched him in the shoulder as he stepped past me and he hissed, rubbing his shoulder.

"Ouch," he laughed and I smiled.

We walked into the hotel lobby, and luckily, not many people were in there. I grabbed a plate and he followed closely behind me in the buffet line.

I stood there for a few moments, pretending to contemplate bacon or sausage just to make Charlie mad. I tapped my chin and he threw his head back in exasperation.

"Come onnnnn," he groaned and nudged me along. I smiled to myself and grabbed a couple of pieces of bacon before walking to the bagel station.

"You know us and bagels have a lot in common," Charlie said while pouring waffle mix into the press.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion and turned to face him.

"Yep. You and me, and bagels. You know why?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder at me.

"Why?" I asked playfully.

"Because," he smiled to himself before turning to face me and clasping his hands.
"You and I are bagels."

I tilted my head as my bagel popped out of the toaster.
"We're bagels?" I asked with a small laugh.

He nodded as if it were obvious.
"Yep. We're bagels. Bae goals," he smirked to himself and I smiled at him, shaking my head.

Bae goals.

I didn't mind it.

Tour Bus Troublemaker// c.p.Where stories live. Discover now