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"Thank you, Las Vegas!" I shout and smile at the cheering crowd.

"Let's give it up for Charlie Puth, everyone!" I exclaim as the lights went dim and I hurried off stage. I passed Charlie on the way by, who simply smiled and brushed past my shoulder.

"We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore," he began just as I got behind the stage. I found Lili, who gave me a tight hug.

"Oh, you did so good!" She said and I smiled, thanking her.

"Your performance tonight seemed more real, more emotional," she said and raised her eyebrows teasingly, making my cheeks go red.

"Let's just say I had something to be emotional about," I remarked, referring to the kiss Charlie and I had shared just hours before. She gave me a look and I smiled.

"I'm only one call away..." I turned to see Charlie singing my personal favorite song of his.
"I'll be there to save the day, superman got nothin' on me, I'm only one.."

He turned to face me, looking me dead in the eyes. I smiled widely and he did the same.
"Call away."

I sang along with Charlie's songs just as I had the show before. He kept sneaking secret glances at me behind the stage and smiling, making me gush every time.

After he finished his last song, 'See You Again', he met me backstage, wrapping me in a huge hug.

"You did awesome," I said into his chest. He smiled and I felt Lili watching us intensely as we both pulled away.

I felt my cheeks get hot as I turned to Charlie.
"Um, I saw some fans go backstage, I think for you, Charlie," I said to him and he gave me a look.

"Oh, please, you're coming with me," he said and pulled me backstage, where there were about 15 teenagers waiting.

Once again, we answered some questions. One girl asked if Charlie and I were dating.
"No," I said, probably too quickly, and shook my head. I felt him tense next to me and nod in agreement.

We took some pictures with them and then left to the bus.

"Where are we headed next?" I asked and sat on the couch. Charlie sat next to me.

"Phoenix, tomorrow," he answered and gazed at me. This time, I didn't look away. I held his gaze and he smiled softly.

"You're something else, Kristen Lahey," he whispered and leaned in. Just as our lips grazed each other's, my phone started to ring.

"It's my mom," I stated when I saw the caller ID. Charlie's eyes flashed with mischief.

"To be continued, then," he remarked with a sly grin. I smiled at him and headed out of the bus as I answered the phone.

"Hey, Mom," I said and shut the door.

"Kristen Rose," she said in a threatening voice.
"I thought I told you to call me every day."

I sighed.
"I've been super busy Mom, I'm sorry," I apologized and heard her laugh softly on the other line.

"It's okay, sweetheart. So, how's everything?" She asked.

"It's great, actually. Charlie's not as much of a jerk as he seemed, the crowds are great, and the bus is nice," I said into the phone.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, but I miss you," I could hear her smile through the phone.

"Mom, it's been 3 days," I state with a small laugh. She sighs playfully.

"I know, but I still miss my little girl," she says and I smile.

"I miss you, too, Mom," I say quietly with a small smile to myself.

"I love you, Kristen," she says.

"I love you, too, Mom, goodnight," I say and hang up the phone.

I walk back into the bus to see Charlie laid down on the couch. I clear my throat and he smiles innocently up at me.

"Excuse you, but I was sitting there," I remark and he gives me a smug look.

"Well I guess you'll have to find somewhere else to sit, then," he says and an idea pops into my head.

I walk over and place my butt on his stomach, listening to him groan and laugh at the same time.

"You wanna get something to eat?" I ask nonchalantly and smile as Charlie takes deep breaths.

"I g-guess," he says out of breath and I stand up. He sighs over dramatically  and gets up as we walk out of the bus. Before we can even take a few steps away from the bus doors, we hear girly screams quickly approaching us and turn to see a stampede of fans rushing toward us.

"In the bus," Charlie quickly says as he rushes me back in and follows behind me. He shuts and locks the door, leaning against it and closing his eyes.

"I'm going to kill my security manager," he mutters and I laugh a little.

"Should we like," I say and close the small window.
"I don't know, drive to the hotel or something?"

"Yeah, I'll ask the driver to take us there," he says and heads to the front of the bus. A couple seconds later, I feel the bus move under me and Charlie walks back in.

"Food, here we come," he makes grand hand gestures and I laugh at his silliness.

"Now," he says, sliding beside me on the couch.
"Where were we?"

I bite my lip, hiding a wide smile.
"Wherever you wanna go, Puth," I tease and make him grin.

We both lean in, our lips touching together softly at first, then more intense as we both ease into the kiss. His hands find my waistline and I smirk, reaching up and tugging his hair gently. Our lips move in sync like two missing puzzle pieces that have been lost for too long. He leans back, laying down and I'm now looking down on him. He grips my hips tighter and our kiss heats up more as he bites my lip gently. I smile.

"What a tease," I joke and he smiles sufficiently. Our lips collide again and soon we feel the bus come to a halt. I quickly sit up and attempt to fix my hair. I look at Charlie doing the same and laugh when I see my lipstick all over his mouth.

"What?" He asks, smiling when he sees me laughing.

"You got a little something," I play and he rubs his lips, seeing my maroon lipstick on his finger when he pulls it away.

"Shit," he mutters and I laugh some more when he rushes into the bathroom to rinse it off. He comes back with slightly red lips and I smile at him.

"Much better," I say and he smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bus and into the hotel, but not before we cautiously check for screaming fans first, seeing nobody but ourselves in the parking lot.

"Looks clear," he says playfully and leads me into the hotel.

There's no telling how this night will go.

But I know I'll love it.

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