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 I realize my mistake as soon as I reach the water. I get my brother back, and what do I do? Give him the crappiest motivational speech ever.

I want to immediately run back, apologize, and tell him everything about Clara, but I just can't. I really do need to cool off.

No people are around. I don't feel the warm air or see the outlines I've begun to notice. The longer I was in this rotten place, the clearer I could see the living. They weren't just warm air now, I saw outlines of bodies, and the features were starting to shine through. All it really seemed to do though was cement the fact that I was trapped here.

I sit by the water, pebbles and dirt crunching beneath me. The capital river seems murky, but I can see some fish occasionally. I choose to sit there and think for a while, recounting the battle. I don't know if we won or lost, or if the silvers from the Rift ever showed up. The last thing I saw was Cal's panicked face as I left him with an unfinished sentence.

I want to scream. I want to scream at Maven, at Cal, at Shade, even at Farley, but I can't. I think of all I could've done to prevent what got me here today. I wish Farley had just gotten Kilorn and I out safely when I asked. I wish Cal hadn't gotten me a position as a servant in the Hall of the Sun. I wish Maven hadn't been such a good liar. I wish Shade hadn't jumped back to bring me back to the Guard at Corros Prison.

A lot of good wishes will do me now.

I take a deep breath and then look around me again. In shock, I register that the sun has already begun to set. I must've sat there for hours, but I barely noticed. I wasn't hungry, nor was I thirsty or tired. Did being in this place do something to me?

"Mare! C'mon, Mare, I'm sorry," Shade calls out from somewhere behind me. I jump at the sound, spinning around to sprint towards him.

"I'm sorry, too," I mutter into his chest, pulling him into hug. As soon as we both begin to pull away, I bring up my hand and slap his cheek. He quickly flinches away, bringing a hand up to his cheek to take away the stinging feeling. "That was for jumping back for me at Corros." Before he can do anything about it, I bring Shade into another hug.

"I hate you," I mutter, causing him to laugh.

"I hate you, too, Mare," he says lightheartedly, ruffling my hair with his fist. I give him a real smile, something that is rare in these days of war.

"Don't think you're off the hook for helping me find a way out of here," I say pointedly, meeting his eyes, trying to look as intimidating as I can despite the height difference between us.

"Fine. I'll come as long as you tell me what's been going on with everyone back at the Guard," Shade agrees to the idea, which I am thankful for.

"Before we do anything though, I have a question," I say, watching as Shade quirks an eyebrow.

"Oh?" Is all Shade replies with, and I go on with my question.

"Is the fact that I am not feeling any basic need like thirst or tiredness, does that have anything to do with this place?" I ask and his face lights up with understanding.

"Ah, the benefits of not having a body," Shade faked a sigh of content and I rolled my eyes.

"Good thing I didn't gather supplies then," I mumble, swiping my feet at the ground. Shade laughs, amused by my reaction.

"We could walk around for years and not feel anything. So far the only thing that makes me tired is using my powers. It's a bodily thing, not a soul thing, so tapping into it makes us tired," Shade shrugged, "that's probably the best explanation I can give. I'm not like those smart silvers you like to surround yourself with these days."

"Oh, come on, Sara, Julian, and Cal aren't that bad," I defend my friends, but again he laughs and admits he's only teasing.

"I've been keeping track of all of you. I almost had to jump Diana a few days ago, when she had Clara." Shade's tone is no longer playful, instead taking on an air of sadness. I don't respond, not knowing quite what to say.

We walk back home in silence, but I know in the end things will be alright between us.


It's the third day of our stay at the Rift. Everyone is moving around, attending to their business, planning on how to infiltrate Norta and take back the crown, and Nanabel seems intent on making me King. I'm busy too, and my heart is in it now more than ever, but part of me feels hollow.

Farley and Kilorn do their best to avoid me. Not that I'm exactly seeking them out. Farley is busier than ever, juggling both her duty as a general and now her daughter Clara. I'm not sure what Kilorn's excuse is, but I know it has something to do with Mare. I haven't even glimpsed Cameron or her brother. The Barrow's arrived yesterday afternoon. The Guard had already informed them, but when they saw Mare's body it was like it was the first time they really believed it. Gisa was still in denial.

Today is the day we bury Mare. As hectic and loud the past two days have been, today feels quiet. There are some here at the Rift that will not be attending, and they seem to be the only one's still rushing about, talking and planning. Everyone else is solemn and silent. Of course there are bodies other than Mare that will be laid to rest today, seeing as she was not the only casualty that day.

We stood outside as the sun shone down on us. Farley held Clara, who for some reason could not stop crying, whether she was tired or hungry, we did not know. Gisa tried to hide her tears, constantly wiping at her cheeks with her sleeves. Kilorn was stoic, the only thing out of place being his hand on Gisa's shoulder. Mare's two brothers, along with her father just seemed quiet. Her mother resembled the way Gisa was reacting.

I watched as they lowered the coffin into the ground. The moment the last bit of dirt was thrown on top of the grave, I spun around and began to walk back to the estate. I had work to do.

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