monsters 『tsukishima』

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[Name] clung onto Tsukishima's arm, despite his annoyed comments. Yamaguchi chuckled at the short girl as she shivered, both in fear and low temperatures.

"Why are you scared, [Surname]?" Yamaguchi asked, surprisingly calm. The girl turned to look at him stiffly, letting out a small squeak as she noticed the shadows of the trees twisted and loomed over them menacingly. The branches were reaching out like skeletal fingers, ready to pull her into the dark unknown of the forest. Who thought a summer trip to a lodge in the middle of the creepiest forest in existence was a good idea?!

The wind howled, causing the hairs on the back of [Name]'s neck to stand erect as she hid her face into the back of Tsukishima's shirt. "G-ghosts!" She stammered, squeezing her [eye colour] eyes firmly shut. The two volleyball players exchanged glances before the blonde middle blocker burst out laughing.

"How stupid can you get, [Surname]? You actually believe in ghosts?" He teased, causing the girl to look up at him, pouting and clenching her fists at her sides.

"Ghosts are real, Tsukishima!" She stated with an definitive tone, stomping her foot childishly.

"Sure, sure, so is the flying tooth fairy!" Oh, no words could perceive how tempting it was to punch that patronising smirk off of Tsukishima'a face.

"Have you ever seen a ghost, [Surname]?" Yamaguchi asked in a gentle voice to avoid offending her. [Name] shook her head but remained determined on their existence, making Yamaguchi laugh sheepishly and Tsukishima roll his eyes.

The three continued through the forest, [Name]'s [eye colour] eyes darting around nervously. Yamaguchi tried to reassure her every now and then but ended up giving up. [Name] let out a screech, hearing a howl in the distance, clutching tightly onto Tsukishima's shirt. "Ghost!"

"No, that's the wind." The blonde corrected with a flat, uninterested tone. The howl got louder and a strong gust of wind blew passed the three. "Let's just hurry up and meet up with the others." [Name] nodded, before turning to talk to Yamaguchi. Wait, where was he? Panic surged through her.

"Yamaguchi?" She called out, alerting the tall male that his friend was gone. She spun around to face the middle blocker, concentrated fear etched into her [eye colour] pools. "What if he--what if demons...?" [Name] trailed off, rubbing her arms nervously; she didn't want to think about what would happen to poor Yamaguchi in these perilous forests.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes, heaving out a sigh. "Demons?" He grumbled under his breath. This was just getting ridiculous. "Is there anything you don't believe in?" The fact that [Name] had to stop and think about that worried the tall blonde slightly.

"Werewolves?" The girl replied, not sounding too sure with her answer. Well, at least she wasn't completely gullible.

As the two continued to venture deeper into the forest, looking for a way out and looking for their lost friend, the slivers of moonlight peeking through the leaves got thinner and thinner. [Name] was practically glued to the blonde's side, goosebumps appearing on her arms. Using the light from his phone, Tsukishima surveyed their surroundings. They were still on the path (thankfully) and if they remained on it, they'll emerge on the other side, right?

An animalistic howl sounded through the air and [Name] squeaked, her nails digging into the male's arm. "Oi, stop that!" Tsukishima ordered, wincing. He was pretty sure she could draw blood if she continued to do that. His eyes trailed over to the giant claw marks on the trunks of surrounding trees.

"What made those?" The latter asked, her voice shaking as she pointed at the claw marks.

"A demon, probably." He said, smirking down at her as she paled.

"Don't joke about that, Tsukishima!" She whined. He opened his mouth to retort but stopped as something dashed past in the darkness. "Wh-what was that?!" [Name] hissed in fear.

"You're being paranoid. Let's keep moving." He ordered, taking the girl's hand and dragging her through the forest.

Another animalistic howl sounded--closer this time--and a humanoid figure passed them in the twisting and growing shadows. [Name]'s grip tightened as she let out a little whimper. "We're gonna die, aren't we?" [Name] murmured. The latter opened his mouth to retort, squeezing her hand subconsciously.

"Why are you such a wimp?"

"Am not!" Before they could continue their argument, [Name] gasped loudly, letting go of his hand and running further down the path and out into the clearing. Tsukishima simply rolled his eyes, trudging behind her. A figure stood in the shadows, it's fur barely visible as it watched with hungry golden eyes. Large claw marks rested on the trunk where it dragged its claws but as the male squinted through his glasses to get a better view, the humanoid silhouette was gone. Shrugging, he followed [Name] into the clearing.


"What took you so long?" Yamaguchi asked, approaching Tsukishima with a grin.

"It's hard to walk with a person latched onto you, you know." He grumbled in response as he though about what he saw in the forest. Surely not--it can't have been, could it? Yamaguchi looked up at his friend, voicing his concern while Tsukishima shook his head, indicating he was fine. He probably spent too much time with [Name]. Werewolves do not exist!

Another growl sounded from the forest and [Name] flinched, grabbing Tsukishima's hand. Werewolves don't exist, right?


Yo ( ' ' )

Another one shot book (because I deleted the old one oops)

Tsukki would probs be the type to mock you for believing in the supernatural tbh

Probably gonna continue this as a writing thing for fun

Hope you enjoyed it

(sorry if tsukki is OOC >.<')


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