Part Two| Introductions

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From the second Ding Dong sat down next to him at lunch, Julian liked him. The way he clasped his fingers together when he was nervous, how he couldn't exactly make eye contact with Julian, how his eyes lit up when Julian mentioned video games- he wanted to make Ding Dong light up like that again. He tried to act like this big tough guy, but Julian knew he wasn't. He was just... scared. Julian scribbled on the sheet of instructions Chris gave him earlier. Julian wasn't really doing his job, just doodling Ding Dong, his unimpressed "why-do-I-have-to-be-here" face very exaggerated. Julian smiled and tore it off the corner of his paper, putting it in his pocket. He stood up, walking to the bathroom, when he ran into a lanky figure- Julian ran into people a lot, he always stared at his shoes when he walked. 
"O-oh, sorry Ding Dong..." Julian looked up at him- he was laughing.
"Oh, I'm not Ding Dong, I'm Matt. It's probably easy to get us confused, haha." Julian tilted his head. They were pretty easy to tell apart, actually. Matt had a very triangular jaw, blue eyes, and well groomed brown-red hair. He was basically the definition of handsome. Julian stared at him with wide eyes.
"U-um, yeah... S-sorry...." Matt laughed again and held out his hand to Julian.
"You're the new guy, right?"
"Y-yeah. I'm Julian." Julian shook his hand. His hands were soft- Julian wondered if Ding Dong's hands were soft. He quickly shook off the thought.
"'Julian', huh? I like that name." He winked and walked off. "See ya later~"
        Julian sighed. Matt was definitely handsome, way too out of his league. He glanced at the check out desk- that was Ding Dong's station. Ding Dong was watching him, one hand on his cheek, a blank look on his face. When they locked eyes, he flipped Julian off and looked away, a slight red on his cheeks. Julian bit his lip and went back to stacking books. Why doesn't he like me? What did I do wrong? I just want to be his friend... Julian sighed when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around quickly. "Wha.."
"Hey." It was Ding Dong- his hands were clasped together. Julian couldn't help but smile fondly. He's nervous...
"Oh hey Ding Dong, what's up?"
"I just.. um..."
      Julian felt... hopeful? Why? What could he possibly need that would make his heart beat so fast like this.
"Y-you haven't met Ryan yet, I thought you'd want to." He stepped out of the way to show a guy with dark hair and a beard- his body type was like a cross between Julian's and Chris's. He seemed kind of irritable, but not as bad as Ding Dong was. His heart slowed down to its normal speed again, and he smiled politely.
"Hey Ryan! I'm Julian." He held out his hand, which Ryan took maybe a bit too quickly. His hands weren't as soft as Matt's.
"Hey Julian. You won't see much of me here, I work in storage, but I thought I'd say hi." Julian's smile widened a bit. He seemed nice.
"Well thanks, Ryan!"
Ryan looked from side to side, almost nervously. He leaned in close to Julian, which made Julian blush a bit.
"Wh-what are you doi-"
Ryan quickly put a finger to his lips, signaling Julian to quiet down. He did. Ryan held out a small piece of paper with some numbers written on it.
"I've seen the way you look at Ding Dong. Here's his number. He's not as mean as he seems, you just need to show interest- make it obvious, or he won't get it."
Julian nodded, taking the phone number and shoving it in his pocket.
"T-thanks, Ryan..."
"No problem." He patted Julian's shoulder and walked off.
       About forty-five minutes after his interaction with Ryan, Julian's watch beeped. His shift was over. He grabbed his drawing from his pocket and sat it on the table next to Ding Dong. Ding Dong looked up at him curiously, reaching towards the piece of paper. Julian winked and waved goodbye, turning away. He saw Ding Dong's flustered reflection in the glass doors when he walked away. Julian walked home grinning.
I can't wait to text him.

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