Part Three| Texts

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     Ding Dong looked down at the little piece of paper Julian had given him. It was a drawing- a drawing of him. Ding Dong felt a light blush form across his cheeks as he looked at it, shoving it in his pocket. He stood up, walking towards the familiar glass doors.
"I'm going home, shift's over," he called to Matt. Matt let out a grunt of acknowledgement as Ding Dong walked outside, the crisp autumn air hitting his face, making him shiver. He shielded the sides of his face with the collar of his coat, sprinting home. Don't want to get sick from the cold. As Ding Dong got inside his small apartment, he kicked off his shoes and took off his coat. He laid down on the couch, taking his phone out of his back pocket.
Four (4) new texts
Ding Dong raised an eyebrow. Nobody texted him expect for Chris sometimes.
Unknown: hey!
Unknown: this is Julian
Unknown: from the library
Unknown: this is DD right?
Ding Dong sighed, clicking on the info tab next to Julian's number, making him a contact called "Jules". It was a stupid nickname, but it's not like Julian would ever find out.
Ding Dong: yep that's me
Jules: oh cool hey!
Jules: I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out at my place sometime
Ding Dong felt that familiar blush come back. Was Julian asking him out?
Ding Dong: excuse me?
Jules: not like a date or anything!!! I just want to get to know you better ;;
Ding Dong: oh okay
Ding Dong: when?
Jules: uhhh whenever
Ding Dong sighed and crossed his arms. He could make a move, or he could just... not. He weighed his options. Wait, why was he even considering this? Julian was annoying as all hell. This is stupid.
Ding Dong: I'm busy all week
Jules: oh
Jules: this weekend then?
Ding Dong: busy then too
Jules: ah, alright
Jules: I gtg, I need to make dinner
Jules: bye dd!! <3
Ding Dong: goodbye
Ding Dong sighed, throwing his phone to the side. Why did his stomach feel so fluttery? He slapped his forehead. No, DD. We've talked about this. No more relationships. He rubbed his eyes, letting his shoulders relax. You don't need anybody. You're fine on your own.
      Just as Ding Dong finally got to sleep, he heard his phone ring. He groaned and picked it up, looking at the familiar name across the screen- Ryan. He clicked the answer button.
"What do you want?! I was trying to sleep!!!"
"Sorry! I was just wondering if you wanted to double date with Matt and I."
Ding Dong snorted. "With who?"
"Julian seems interested."
"... oh. Okay."
Ding Dong hung up, going to his text messages.
Ding Dong: uh hey I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me Matt and Ryan
Jules: id love to! <3
Ding Dong: aight
Ding Dong sighed and laid back in his chair.
Oh boy.

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