Part Four| Going Out

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Julian grinned down at the text from Ding Dong. I get to go out!! I never get to do that!! He realized he didn't ask when or where, so he texted Ding Dong again.
Julian: hey when is this happening??
DD❤️: tonight at 7:30
Julian: okay, where are we going
DD❤️: give me your address, I'll come pick you up.
Julian felt a flutter in his stomach. Maybe Ding Dong was finally warming up to him! He typed his address and stood up, going to his room. Should he wear something nice? He wasn't sure where they were going, so he settled for a blue button-up and some jeans. Julian went to the bathroom and tried to tame his mop of hair. He heard a ring from the living room, so he went to go check. It was his phone.
DD❤️: I'll be there in like 15 minutes
Julian: okay!! ❤️
Julian sighed- he still had a while, and he was already set. He grabbed his sketchbook, opening it to a new page. It was almost full already, and Julian blushed when he remembered it was stuffed with drawings of Ding Dong. That's embarrassing.. He drew a few doodles of video game characters before he heard a knock at his door. He jumped to his feet, answering it quickly.
"Hey, Di..." he trailed off, looking up and down at his coworker. Ding Dong was wearing a nice grey suit and a purple tie. He looked... really cute. Julian gulped and looked away, trying to hide his very obvious blush. "Hey, DD."
Ding Dong messed with his tie, clearing his throat. "Am I overdressed?" Julian quickly shook his head.
"You look really pret-- uh, I mean, you look pretty nice..!" He forced an awkward grin. Dammit, Julian.
"Hey, uh.. thanks for the drawing." Julian returned his focus up to Ding Dong's face. "You liked it?"
Ding Dong rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding Julian's gaze. "I-I mean, it wasn't.. bad." Julian smiled and looked outside.
"Should we get going?"
"Uh, yeah."
      Julian and Ding Dong walked out to his car- it was old and worn down, but it still worked. Julian sat in the passenger seat, buckling in.
"Where are we going?"
Ding Dong shrugged. "Some place Ryan likes to take Matt out on dates. He said I needed to bring someone so I wouldn't be a third wheel."
Julian blushed. Maybe this was a date. He leaned against the car door, looking out the window at the looming dark clouds. Hopefully it didn't rain, he forgot his umbrella...
      After a few minutes of sitting in the car, they arrived at a fancy looking restaurant. Julian got out of the car and scanned the building. Was he dressed well enough? He bit his lip and messed with the hem of his shirt- he always has to do something with his hands when he's nervous. Julian felt a hand at his elbow, and suddenly he was being pulled along by Ding Dong.
"Cmon, I don't want to be late," he muttered.
Once they got in, they were greeted by Matt and Ryan. They both were dressed up nicely, and Julian felt even more self conscious. Matt smiled widely and patted Julian on the shoulder.
"Hey, man! You look great!"
"You can't say that!!!" Julian, Matt and Ryan all turned to Ding Dong, who looked upset for some reason. His face started to go red and he looked away.
"H-he doesn't look that nice."
Julian frowned and clasped his hands together, looking at the ground. Matt put a protective arm around him.
"Hey, you don't have to be mean. We didn't tell him we were going here." They walked to their table in awkward silence, Matt remaining close to Julian.
      By the end of the night, they had gotten back to their normal, happy personalities. Julian had even made Ding Dong laugh once, which was one of the most beautiful noises he'd ever heard. Matt opted to pay for their meal, and all the boys went back to their respective cars.
       Julian stared out the window of the car, watching small droplets of rain fall down the glass. He sighed happily, glad everything had turned out okay.
"Julian?" He heard Ding Dong mumble from the seat next to him.
"I... I'm sorry I was mean earlier. You look really nice tonight. I mean it." Julian felt a blush creep up on his cheeks. That was one of the most sincere things Ding Dong had ever told him.
"T-thanks, DD... you look nice, too." Julian saw Ding Dong smile a bit as he returned his focus on the road.
     Once they got back to Julian's apartment complex, it was pouring rain. They decided at first to wait to get out until the rain let up, but after fifteen minutes of waiting they were getting antsy.
"Okay, I'll just book it to the door."
Ding Dong sighed. "I don't want to drive in this rain. Can I just stay over at your place?" Julian nodded, excited to have Ding Dong over.
"Alright, on the count of three, we get out and run to the door. One, two, three!!" Julian and Ding Dong bolted out of the car- but Julian's shoe was untied.
      He slipped and fell. Ding Dong tried to catch him, but he couldn't support Julian either, so he toppled down with him. Julian winced on the impact, not noticing at first that Ding Dong was on top of him.
      They sat there, in the pouring rain, much too close to be considered normal. Julian thought he might have a heart attack. It might've been the wine from the meal, it might've been the romantic situation, it might've just been how cute Ding Dong looked when he was surprised- but Julian didn't consider any of those things (well, maybe one) when he reached up and put his hand on Ding Dong's cheek. It was cold and wet from the rain, but Ding Dong didn't flinch away- it was probably from his intake of wine, too. Julian leaned up, pressing his lips softly against Ding Dong's. And to Julian's surprise, he kissed back.
      By the next morning, they both had crippling headaches and barely any clue what happened the previous night. Ding Dong complained about how uncomfortable Julian's couch was as he made breakfast, but Julian was quiet. He still wasn't quite sure what really happened and what was a dream.
      To his dismay, he never got the courage to find out.

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