Chapter 1: At Mona's Planet

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Mona Lisa pov

It has been almost three weeks since I have seen my beloved Raphael.
G'thraka has insisted me on taking a vacation. I was at home siting at my office where I usually write all of my reports from previous missions.

If they would have warned me about my vacation sooner, I would have planned something. I wish Raphael was here. Perhaps him and I would have gone somewhere to pass the time. But now he's gone to Earth, where their technology is no where near ours.

He did warn me previously that he was going to Earth after six months.
Even though it breaks my heart, I have to accept the fact that I will probably never see again. Or I would just have to wait until the day I see him again.

I looked to my left and spotted the picture frame that contained the picture of my mother and father. My father was a blue spotted salamandrien like myself. And my mother was a pink spotted salamandrien, like my older sister Dilara.

Both my parents were warriors like myself. My father wore turquoise armor and he had many battle scars. Mothers armor was black. She was a bit shorter than my father but not that much. We were the same height.

I wish they were still with us. They past away when I was a little girl. I remembered me and my sister waited patiently for our parents to come home from their assignment. When we heard the door knock, we rushed to the door in excitement, thinking it was our parents. Never had I been so wrong. It was G'thraka who informed us that our parents were killed by the Triceratons on their mission. We didn't want to believe him, I wanted to think that this was a dream or a bad joke. But deep down, we both knew that they were never coming back.

G'thraka insisted for us to live and train with him, until we were old enough to decide who we wanted to be. When we were old enough, we both became warriors like our parents. Dilara became a soldier, and I became a lieutenant. Since G'thraka was a close friend of my fathers, I decided to partner up with him.

Somehow my thoughts drifted back to Raphael. Even though Raphael has forgiven me for my betrayal, I will never forgive myself for what I've done. He trusted me more than anyone in the galaxy, and I just betrayed him. How could he still love me. My eyes started to water and I felt tears sliding down my face.

I heard a knock at the door which pulled me out of my trance. I wiped my tears away walked out of my office, heading to the door. Who ever it was, he or she didn't stop knocking until I opened the door.

" Hello sister, I hope your vacation is going well," said my older sister Dilara. She was wearing a black shirt with her brown leather jacket and black pants.

" Hello sister. My vacation is going somewhat well. And there was no need for knocking on my door for so long", I said. I was wearing my usual uniform.

Dilara walked inside." I thought that you might have been asleep. After all, you are a heavy sleeper, ever since you were little."

" Was a heavy sleeper. Ever since I became a lieutenant, I started waking up very easily." I said while closing the door.

"Yes well..... Y'Gythgba, have you been crying?" she came closer to me.

"What? No, of corse not sister. What makes you think I've been crying." I looked away hoping she would not notice.

"Don't lie to me sister. I can see the tears on your face. Why are you so depressed?" She lifted my head up.

"It's really nothing Dilara. Just some old memories."

Dilara crossed her arms, "What kind of memories? Because if this is about mother and father-"

"It is not, sister", I yelled trying to fight back the tears in my eyes. I walked to the window and looked at the sky, thinking of Raphael.

My sister doesn't like out worlders. She despises them, especially when they come to our planet.

Dilara stood next to me." Than what is making you so depressed?"

I took a deep breath."I need to confess something that you will not like." I looked down not wanting to see her face." The reason I am so depressed, is because I fear that I will never see the man who I am in love with. And the reason I fear that is because he is an out worlder, from the planet Earth.

Dilara's eyes widened with shock.
"Sister, please tell me you are joking!" She said trying not to raise her voice.
I shook my head no." Well, then how did you even meet him if he lives on Earth." I finally looked up. I was expecting an expression of anger, but it looked more of a worried face.

"We met on an ice planet, where both our ships crash landed(We all know what happened, so I'm just gonna skip a little). His name is Raphael and he's a mutant turtle."
Dilara narrowed her eyes at me."And just how long have you been keeping this from me?"
"Um.... about six months in a half." I gave her a guilty smile.

"You were dating an out worlder for six months and have never told me. Y'Gythgba I am your oldest and only sister, and you never ever bothered to tell me. Why?"

"Because I know you despise out worlders. But I love Raphael, and he feels the same about me. And nothing will ever change that."

Dilara pov

I struggled to find my voice. What was I supposed to say? My sister has been dating as out worlder for six months and she has not told me about it. I don't know who to be more angry at, my sister for not telling me, or that Raphael mutant who stole my sisters heart. And what is a turtle.

I looked at her."Y'Gythgba, I don't think you should ever see him again."

"Dilara but I-"

"I know you do, but I just don't want you to be heartbroken if things don't work out. I mean what if he has already found another female to love on his planet.

"Raphael would never do that to me. I know he wouldn't."

"But I don't. After all I've never met him."

"Well then. Perhaps we can go for a visit. Just so you can see what I see in him."

"No! If we go visit him than you might want to stay." I knew what my sister was up to. If she thinks I would just leave her alone with a man I have never met, than she must have been brain washed by the kranng.

"I wasn't thinking of living with him. I was just, thinking of staying with for a few days, if I could?" She put her hands together like she is trying to beg.

I will regret this. But I couldn't just say no to my broken-hearted sister. So I rolled my eyes, looking away from her, and said."Hurry and get your stuff ready. We will only be staying for a few days."

She smiled at me with her happy eyes, and gave me a big hug."Thank you Dilara!" Then she left to go pack.


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