Chapter one: Clients

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Day one:

"Right through here, please."

"Just put your bag here and one of the carers will take out whatever isn't permitted. It will be in your room by the time you've been shown around. Mia here is the best therapist in the whole state. She will show you around the centre and introduce you to everyone."

The nurse motioned to a tall woman dressed in jeans and a clean white shirt. The tag that was pinned to her shirt read 'Mia Nelson, The Sanctuary Byron Bay.' Her hair cascaded over her poised shoulders, a natural orange like the sunset. Her piercing green eyes would've been intimidating if it weren't for her welcoming smile.

"Hello Mae," She extended a hand towards me. I hesitated for longer than I should've which gave me a strong shot of self consciousness that was hard to shake, but eventually shook her hand. "I'm Mia. I'm going to show you all the facilities we offer here and introduce you to the other clients."

Clients? Is that what they call them?

"Here in The Sanctuary, we maintain a healthy relationship with our clients. We make sure they are comfortable and at peace with us so we can help them in any way they need to be helped. You'll notice it is relatively easy to talk to others because we are like a big family. Some of our more...private clients have their own spaces so you wont see much of them."

She gave me another smile before slowly stepping away, indicating for me to follow her. My fingers absentmindedly fiddled with each other as I followed her through the light blue painted walls, my new canvas shoes padding against the tiled floors. The Sanctuary was so open, as if all the clients problems had escaped through the open doors and windows so everyone could be normal again. Is it even possible to go back to the way you were before you came here? The blaring giggles of a tv rung into the uncomfortable silence between Mia and I, followed by loud howls of laugher. Mia strolled straight into the noisy room with me following helplessly behind her. Two boys sat on a big couch with some comedy show on and a girl sat at a table filled with books. All three of them turned to gawk at the new girl.

"Hey guys, this is Mae. Mae, this is Charlie," Mia pointed to a girl with long, coal black hair and bitten down fingernails. She flashed me the tiniest of smiles. "This is Larkin," A mature looking guy with a wild mop of brown, curly hair. The corners of his mouth were turned up into a sly, charming smile. "And this is Logan." The last boy had feathery, golden hair, red lips as though he'd been chewing on them and light acne over his neck and cheeks. Both of the boys stood up to shake my hand. Larkin's fingers were bony and cold, Logan's whole hand was massive as it in cased my little one.

Charlie stumbled along the itchy-looking cream carpet and whispered a few words into Mia's ear. Mia's lips parted a little before nodding her head. She placed a tender hand on Charlie's shoulder before quickly turning to me.

"I'll be right back Mae, I've just got to take Charlie somewhere. I wont be long." Mia informed me before turning to Larkin and Logan who had retreated back to the couch. "You two make her feel welcome and tell her a bit about what classes we have here and anything else she needs to know. I'm trusting you, Logan."

"Yes, your highness." Logan grinned sarcastically. He patted on the plush chair beside the couch, inviting me to watch the show with them. My mouth was glued shut, not even a smile was allowed to escape. Mia and Charlie wandered off, soon the laughs from the TV were the only noise heard. Until Logan spoke again. "So, Mae, what's your last name?"

His voice was different. It was like his words were stretched out to last longer, only to be cut off at the end.

I cleared my throat and communicated through words for the first time since I'd arrived to Byron Bay last night. "Force."

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