Chapter six: Jack and Rose

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Day ten:

You may be wondering why I write only every second day. Honestly, I only write when something happens that is worth writing about. Today was definitely worth writing writing about.

I only had my body movement class and my personal training session today. I had already finished body movement and my training was at 4:15pm, so I had lunch in my room and decided to do some more exploring.

It was midday and I wasn't hungry yet so I wandered around to an area I hadn't been before. It was a five minute walk from my room. There was a big building surrounded by trees and sand, like the rest of The Sanctuary. I strolled through the open doors and stopped in a room that was sort of like a doctors reception/waiting room area, but with no desk or sign of any other people. The room was in the shape of a circle, with lots of windows. It reminded me of a tropical get away area, plants in every corner, straw stuck together for doors, bamboo patterned walls. Each small step I took echoed off the walls. There were four doors, it was kind of like a movie where one door will lead to freedom and the others will lead to death, of course.

The doors had signs at the top of each; CINEMA ROOM, TEA ROOM, MEETING ROOM, GAME ROOM.

It felt like a camp for 13 year olds.

There were noises floating from the cinema room, a song. I hastily took a few more steps towards the door that stood ajar, just enough for my to poke my head in. All I was faced with was a huge wall and the room so dark I could barely see a thing.

It's a cinema, duh, I rolled my eyes at myself.

The song was still playing, a soft melody of the flute. I inched the door open and walked around the wall, feeling the curtains to guide me. A choked sob flowed along with the dramatic music, followed by a few sniffles, then more sobs.

My pace quickened to find Logan huddled up in blankets on one of the red cinema chairs, crying hysterically at the giant screen. The screen showed the scene from Titanic where Rose let's go of Jack in the water.

"I-I don't und-d-derstand w-why he ha-ad to d-d-die!" Logan wailed, rubbing his already red eyes. I walked up the small flight of stairs to the middle row, where he was curled up in tears, and sat down next to him.

"It was about proving his love for her, and her proving her love for him."

"But she could've moved over, they could've fit two people on the door!" He yelled at the screen.

"I know, I know." I cooed softly. I was trying so hard not to laugh. He heard my quiet giggles and a wave of frustration and anger washed over his face. He mumbled a quick 'it's not funny' and stood up, shaking the blankets off his shaking body.

As he started to make his way out of the cinema, I called after him but he still refused to look back at me.

All I was left with were the rolling credits of Titanic and the tear stained blankets thatms but him off from the outside world.


I stayed in the cinema room for a while after that, just watching the soon empty, blank screen. Until I heard the sirens. They rattled through my body like an alarm clock going off early in the morning. I tossed the blankets out of my way and sped out of the large room, taking the steps two at a time.

The air had turned dense and humid, I could feel sweat sticking to my skin already. Shouts and sirens resonated from the PR, as did a powerful blast of water. You know when you can actually hear it pushing against wherever it's aiming? My nostrils filled with a strong odour, a mix between wood, leather and a powerful dose of gasoline. I turned a corner, passing my room and ran until I saw what all the commotion was about. The sound of my flimsy canvas shoes smacking against the wooden patio fell in time with my panting breath.

The red and blue lights of the fire truck combined with the red and blue lights of the ambulance almost blinded my sight. The firefighters were bravely attacking the out of control fire while the fire attacked them back, flames licking all around the charred Paradise Room.

A stretcher was being pulled by the paramedics. The stretcher carried an unmoving body covered in white sheets and an oxygen mask concealed the persons face, making it almost impossible to see who it was. A crowd of carers, chefs, doctors, councillors and clients flooded my view of whoever was on the stretcher.

I slowed to a walk and made my way closer and closer until I saw Blair, her hand cupped over her mouth and silent tears cascading down her cheeks. It wasn't until then I noticed the pained wails coming from everyone crowding around the stretcher. I reached Blair and put a tender hand on her shoulder, trying to push through the crowd but it was no use. I asked Blair who it was and she just burst into another series of sobs.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and asked her again.

"It's, its...He's...He just..." She gasped for air after each attempt at telling me who it was.

Before I could ask again, I was tugged away by a strong grip on my wrist. I turned to face Larkin, who was dragging me behind him away from the crowd. We stopped at a tree, out of hearing distance from the commotion. His cheeks were red and raw, matching his eyes, he gave up on wiping away the tears. This time, I asked Larkin what was happening and he mumbled his answer so quiet I couldn't hear it. I asked him to repeat it, rubbing my hand up and down his back in a soothing motion.

"Voice 23 said I..I had to do it." He hiccuped. His brought his hands up to his face and fell into them. "I'm sorry, Park, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He repeated over and over.

Park? Who's Park? My breath caught in my throat as soon as I realised, the person I hadn't seen in the crowd, the person that hadn't tried to help even though nothing could be done, the person that made a difference in everybody's life here, that's why they were all broken.

"Logan." I whispered. "You-you burnt the PR down?" I whimpered at Larkin who had now lifted his face from his hands.

"I didn't want to, I didn't!" He exclaimed, grabbing my wrists and shaking them. "It's getting worse and I can't control anything anymore, Mae!"

"Do they know?"

"I don't care about them, Mae, I care about Logan! They won't tell us anything! What if I killed him? What if he burned to death?"

"Larkin.." I mumbled breathlessly. It was impossible to process this.

"No no no no no." He moaned.

"Larkin," I tried again, but his heartbroken cries shut me up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Logan. I'm so so sorry." Larkin's voice broke at the last few words before he shrunk to the floor.

I felt so light headed, and I couldn't tell if it was sweat or tears coating my cheeks anymore.


I was kind of trying to keep this as a short story but I have no idea what I'm even doing anymore.

So I haven't updated in a while and I know this is fast like idk I haven't planned much else out yet, well I kind of have but my life revolves around ad-libbing so that's how it'll go, and I'm kind of rethinking the whole thing idk I'm very confused right now so enjoy the chapter, vote, comment etc if you wanna feature in the book or have ideas please tell me!


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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