Chapter five: Let's Play 20 Questions

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Day eight:

I thought I should write today because I'm slowing figuring out Logan Park. I just finished eating dinner and Isabel told me to stay in my room and do some writing because she said I had a good day today, I think it was good too.

I had my art programme at 11:15, so I was able to have my lunch in the PR. Logan was in there talking to a football game on the TV. I decided to pay attention to him while he was watching it. His sudden outburst in group therapy yesterday was so strange compared with how sharing he was last night on the sand. After he told me about his fear, we just laid there and didn't move or speak. Eventually, his carer, Brandon came out to take him to his room and tell me to go back to mine since it was past bed time hours.

Anyway, I was eating my fruit salad, watching him yell at the TV for a few more minutes until half time came around.

"Who do you go for?" He asked, finally dragging his eyes away from the screen.

I swallowed the mouthful of watermelon I had and put my empty bowl on the coffee table in front of us. "Bombers."

I curled my legs up and tucked them under me, leaning into the side of the couch while he let out a sarcastic laugh. "Of course you would go for the druggo team."

"I think you got your facts messed up, you're the druggo." I snapped.

He curiously turned his head towards me and a flash of something passed through his eyes. Surprise? Anger? "How did you know about that? I only told you about the alcohol.."

"Your eyes," I answered, pointing to them. "They've got more red lines than eyes should have."

He nodded, "Well done, you're observant."

"I'm an artist, I need to."

He cocked an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Really? You're an artist?"

I chewed on my bottom lip and turned around to face him fully, bringing my legs into a cross-legged position and grabbing onto my feet. "Mainly sketches of things, people. Some times paintings or water colours if need be, but I prefer them in grey lid so I can mess it up a little to give it more edge."

"Wow," He bitten lips turned up into a smile. "Could you draw me?"

"Aren't you supposed to draw me like one of your French girls?" I laughed at the reference to Titanic until a look of confusion crossed Logan's face. "Like in Titanic? When Rose wants Jack to draw her like the French girls he draws?"

"I've never seen Titanic."

My mouth fell open in less than a second. How could he not have seen Titanic? "How? It's one of the best movies ever."

"I've only heard the soundtrack, so I've never actually seen the movie. I know what it's about though, guy meets engaged girl, they fall in love, everyone dies, blah blah blah."

"That is such a guy thing to say." I deadpanned.


"Don't." I said sternly. I wasn't in the mood to argue with him. Instead, I kept the conversation going the way it was before he got cocky.

"Alright, alright." He waved my snappy tone off before taking the hint and going along with the positive conversation. "Back to the artist thing. I didn't know you we're an artist.."

"Of course you didn't, we met, like, a week ago."

"Feels like forever, your annoying voice never leaves my head."

"I love it when you're romantic."

"Hah," He scoffed. "So could you seriously draw me?" His eye brows rose questioningly.

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