Chapter two: Crazy Camp

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So this is a short story kind of thing that I've been writing for my English enhancement class a few people told me I should post it here so I thought I'd give it a shot, this is the first decent story I've done that's not fanfic related. Enjoy,



Day 3:

Yesterday was just another tour of the huge centre. When you hear the word centre, you think just a big room that could fit a few couches and a kitchen with extra space, a bunch of bedrooms for a rehab centre too. But this was crazy. It was like a tropical resort, trees and plants surrounding every wooden pathway, soft white sand everywhere and swinging chairs to sit on facing the water.

I met a lady called Blair, she was 23. She used to have an eating disorder, she was going to leave in 2 weeks.

Blair was really sweet; she kind of reminded me of a princess' mother in a fairy tale. She had jet black hair trimmed into a pixie hair cut, with chocolate brown eyes and thin light pink lips. She liked to walk along the beach in the mornings, she told me. I went for a walk with her early this morning. She told me about her 3 year old niece, her name was Olivia but everyone called her 'siren' because she was so loud.

The schedules here are strange, it's kind of like being at a boarding school. 7am is wake up, breakfast is served between 7:30-8:30, then programs start at 9 and end at 5:30. We only had 3-4 programs a day, so we had a lot of breaks. Today was my first proper day here and my first program was body work. Blair was doing body work as well, so at least I'd know someone.

Everybody had their own personal carer and personal chef. My carers name was Isabel. For some reason, I was expecting her to be mean and cold, but she was really sweet. Isabel walked me to the gymnasium and lead me to a dance hall in the corner where the body work class was being held.

"Mae, Mae, over here sweetie!" I followed the sound of Blair's husky voice with my ears and eyes until I spotted her standing with two other girls. She introduced them as Harley and Maya, both had blonde hair and blue eyes with big smiles lighting up their tanned skin.

I didn't really pay much attention to everything. I only focused on the meditation stuff we were doing, it was supposed to get rid of any stress or anger that didn't need to be in us. How on Earth would any kind of movement or pose push away any anger?

I stretched my left arm above my head, curving it into a C shape and leant forward, pointing my arm to the wall mirror in front of us.

'Go away! Get off her!'

The rest of the group, which only consisted of half a dozen people including myself, lifted their right leg and clutched their foot in their right hand. I imitated their positions and arched my back even more. My left leg was beginning to shake and wobble, slowly giving out.

'You're such a psycho Mae, go away for God sake!'

I tried as hard as I could to dig my toes into the squishy blue mat but that only made me wobble more.

'What the Hell is even wrong with her?'

I let my foot go and dropped my arm in a sigh of defeat. My eyes clouded as I wiped the sweat and hair out of my sight with the back of my hand. I tried the pose again but my whole body just gave out. Every muscle tensed and shook, my toes curled into the mat and my hands wouldn't stop scratching at my neck. This stupid class wasn't calming me down, it was riling me up, again.


"Just give me my text book back, okay?" The words came out strong, fierce, I wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Please."

"Why should I? You'll just copy the answers for the maths test off me anyway, you little cheat." Marley spat, her upper lip barring her yellow teeth.

"I don't cheat! Please just give it back!" I pleaded in anger, a crowd was starting to form and phones were pulled out to start recording. We were at the back of the school, teachers and students hardly ever went around here. It used to be my private spot until she came along.

Marley flicked her straight blonde hair back over her shoulder and held my book high in the air. She was a good few inches taller than me, and adding on her heels, there was no way I could reach the book. I should just leave it. It's just a book. Who cares, I can get a new one.

The flower garden was right behind me, pots full of dirt and seeds were lined up around the outside for the year sevens to plant. The pots were small, about the hight of a tea cup and the width of a desert plate. The clay scratched against my nails, sending shivers down my spine. I held the pot in a tight grip in one hand, pointing the other at Marley.

"Marley come on, last chance. Give it back."

She continued to stare down at me with her tough exterior. I rose the heavy pot plant to my chest to make sure she knew I had a weapon. One of her badly plucked eye brows cocked in response.

"We all know you're not going to do anything, wimp. You and I both know that one more anger incident you have then off you go to crazy camp." She snarled.

"I'm not CRAZY!" I screeched, the noise sounding like claws running down a chalk board.

Marley's eyes shut tight as soon as the flower pot made contact with her face. She let out a helpless wail and dramatically fell to the floor. The crowd rushed to her aid, acting as though I murdered her.

I looked down at the orange clay now sprayed with bright red blood.

Off I go to crazy camp.


The rest of the day went by fast. After my body work programme, I had a medical test, did personal training and finished off the day with an art class. I ran into Larkin again while I was walking along the beach before I went to bed. He stopped three feet away from me, squatted down, patted the sand twice, and stood back up to give me a nod. I smiled a hello and with that, he kept walking.

I met Isabel back at the room where I met Logan, Larkin and Charlie. I found out it was called the PR, short for Paradise Room, since it was right on the beach and the view was great. Plus, it felt like a normal lounge room at home. Isabel took me back to my room and her and my chef James began preparing my dinner.

My room was the average sized teenagers bedroom. Big enough to fit a double bed, two seater couch, desk and book shelf. The desk and book shelf were empty except for a framed photograph of my little brother and I. Tyson looked a lot like me. Tyson is only 6 years old, fluffy brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. Typical adorable kid. He had craned his neck up enough to peck my cheek, in the photo. I grinned at the memory.

My parents both passed away in a house fire when Tyson was 2, my aunty has been our legal guardian even since. She said she'd bring Tyson so visit me soon.

She also said she'd make sure I never had to go away.


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